
Doctoral Thesis Defence – – Jonathan Lachance (Director Louis Martin) – March 17th 2017

« Les fondements architecturaux et écologiques de l’Environmental Design aux États-Unis : 1953-1975 » <p/p>Under the supervision of professor Louis Martin at UQAM, the thesis examines the nature of the intersection in between Environmental Design and the natural sciences, and its effects on architecture both as a discipline and as a profession in the 1960s’. The […]


Doctoral Thesis Defence – – Bechara Helal (Director Jean-Pierre Chupin) – January 30th 2017

« The Laboratories of Architecture – Epistemological Inquiry into a Historical Paradigme » Architectural sites and practices are commonly described in terms borrowed from the arts (studio, creation, masterpiece) and yet, the architectural field relies increasingly on scientific terms (laboratory experimentation, research). This contemporary interest in activities related to scientific research appears to coalesce around the now […]


Round Table and Exhibition : « Une architecture du Québec Moderne 1958-1974 (PGL)»

Round Table and Exhibition organized by Georges Adamczyk and Louis Martin (and Réjean Legault) : « Une architecture du Québec Moderne 1958-1974 (PGL) » Exhibition promoted by the LEAP,  Université de Montréal Animation : Jean-Pierre Chupin (UdeM). Including : Georges Adamczyck (UdeM), Louis Martin (UQAM), Carlo Carbone (UQAM), Réjean Legault (UQAM)  


Le projet tectonique…

22 septembre 2005, Lancement du livre Le projet tectonique (éditions infolio, Genève, 2005) sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin et Cyrille Simonnet, en présence du professeur Kenneth Frampton

Jean-Pierre Chupin en Autriche

20 avril 2009, Jean-Pierre Chupin à l`Akademie der bildenden künste Wien (Institut für Kunst und Architektur) de Vienne en Autriche à titre de conférencier invité dans le cycle international « We built this City… ».