Date | Event | Description | Chair | Link | |
2014/09/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin, Carmela Cucuzzella et Bechara Helal codirigent la production d’un nouveau livre sur les concours internationaux | Jean-Pierre Chupin, Carmela Cucuzzella et Bechara Helal, codirigent la production d’un livre collectif sur les concours internationaux, faisant suite au colloque de 2012 et qui aura pour titre : Architecture Competitions and The Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge: An International Inquiry. Il rassemblera une vingtaine de textes d’experts internationaux et sera publié aux nouvelles éditions : Potential Architecture Books, Montréal, à l’automne 2014 | |||
2014/10/23-26 | Carmela Cucuzzella et Alessandra Mariani au colloque de l`UAAC 2014, Toronto | Alessandra Mariani et Carmela Cucuzzella, dirigeront chacune une session thématique du colloque UAAC (University Arts Association of Canada) entre le 23 et le 26 octobre 2014 à Toronto | |||
2014/09/01 | David Vanderburgh professeur invité au LEAP | David Vanderburgh, Professor of Design, Theory and History of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urbanism (LOCI), à Louvain-la-Neuve, sera chercheur invité au LEAP et à la CRC pendant 4 semaines en septembre 2014 | |||
2014/09/01 | Georges Adamczyk écrit sur l’agence Shim-Sutcliffe Architects | Georges Adamczyk, contribue à un important ouvrage monographique sur les projets de l’agence torontoise, Shim-Sutcliffe Architects | |||
2014/09/01 | Nicholas Roquet prépare un nouveau livre sur les concours culturels au Québec | Nicholas Roquet prépare un projet de livre sur les concours culturels au Québec en collaboration avec Jacques Plante, professeur à l’Université Laval, ainsi que plusieurs chercheurs du LEAP et d’autres institutions québécoises. Ce livre, dont la sortie est envisagée pour 2015, sera soutenu financièrement par le LEAP. | |||
2014/09/01 | Louis Martin et Réjean Legault préparent une exposition sur l`agence PGL | Louis Martin, en collaboration avec Réjean Legault, tous deux professeurs à l’Uqam, mène une recherche dans les archives de l’agence PGL en vue d’une exposition au Centre de Design de l’UQAM en 2015-2016 | |||
2014/09/01 | Denis Bilodeau prépare un nouveau livre | Denis Bilodeau, dans le cadre de son congé d’étude et de recherche, prépare un livre mettant en valeur une décennie d’expérimentations pédagogiques au 1er cycle | |||
2014/09/01 | Carmela Cucuzzella et Alessandra Mariani préparent un numéro spécial pour la revue Muséologies | Carmela Cucuzzella, directrice du LEAP@CONCORDIA, est invitée par Alessandra Mariani, rédactrice en chef et doctorante du LEAP à l’UQAM. Ensemble elles préparent un numéro spécial de la revue Muséologies, sur la mise en exposition de la recherche en tant que processus créatif dans les musées d’art contemporain | |||
2014/09/01 | Des textes de Georges Adamczyk et Denis Bilodeau à lire dans ARQ (Architecture Québec) | Denis Bilodeau et Georges Adamczyk contribuent au numéro 168 de ARQ ( Architecture Québec )sur la « maison de campagne » . | |||
2014/09/01 | Une nouvelle publication pour Pierre Boudon | Pierre Boudon, vient de publier un chapitre dans l’ouvrage codirigé par Pierre Hyppolite, Antoine Leygonie et Agnès Verlet, "Architecture et littérature (une interaction en question XXe-XXIe siècle)", Presses Universitaires de France, 2014 | |||
2014/08/01 | Louis Destombes, co-fondateur et président de Bellastock.Qc | Louis Destombes, doctorant LEAP / CRC, a imaginé et organisé la 1ère édition de l’événement Bellastock.Qc (Re-Shack), Festival d’architecture Expérimentale, du 28 août au 1er septembre | |||
2014/09/01 | Imen Ben Jemia maintenant professeure | Imen Ben Jemia, ancienne doctorante de Jacques Lachapelle, a été nommée professeure à l’Université de Sharjah aux Emirats Arabes Unis | |||
2014/06/01 | Catherine Szacka au Oslo Centre for Critical Architectural Studies (OCCAS) | Catherine Szacka, ancienne assistante de recherche au LEAP, est actuellement Post Doctoral Research Fellow à l’OCCAS (The Oslo Centre for Critical Architectural Studies) | |||
2014/08/01 | Tiphaine Abenia, une nouvelle doctorante en cotutelle au LEAP | Tiphaine Abenia, Ingénieur INSA et Architecte DE, intègre le LEAP comme nouvelle doctorante en cotutelle avec le Laboratoire de Recherche en Architecture de l’ENSA de Toulouse | |||
2014/08/01 | Camille Crossman en stage à l`ETH, Zurich | Camille Crossman, doctorante LEAP / CRC, a effectué un stage doctoral à l’ETH de Zürich à l’été 2014, à l’invitation de Jan Silberberger (août 2014) | |||
2014/06/18-20 | Louis Destombes au Luxembourg | Louis Destombes, doctorant LEAP / CRC, a participé au colloque SCAN’ 14 (Luxembourg) avec une conférence sur la modélisation et l’imaginaire constructif | |||
2014/06/01 | Marie-Claude G. Leclair maintenant au CCA | Marie-Claude G. Leclair, ancienne assistante à la CRC, a été recrutée par le Centre Canadien d’Architecture (CCA) pour catégoriser le fonds d’archives Arthur Erickson | |||
2014/03/01 | Jan Silberberger, postdoctorant de l`ETH, chercheur invité au LEAP | Jan Silberberger, Postdoctorant à l’ETH de Zürich, chercheur invité pour un séjour de 4 semaines pour contribuer à la mise au point de l’espace de recherche numérique du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens (mars 2014) | |||
2014/01/01 | Une nouvelle post-doctorante au LEAP: Marie Bels | Marie Bels, diplomée en architecture de l`Université de Venise et PhD en architecture de Paris Est, fera un stage postdoctoral de 6 mois au LEAP (janvier - juin 2014) | |||
2014/02/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin participe à la 5e Conférence internationale sur les concours, à Delft aux Pays-Bas | Jean-Pierre Chupin présente « Some Reflections on the Problematic Location of the Entity Client in the Ontological Structure of Electronic Ressources on Competitions » à la 5e Conférence internationale sur les concours, à Delft, aux Pays-Bas (Février 2014) | |||
2014/06/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin et Carmela Cucuzzela à Milan pour présenter leurs recherches | Jean-Pierre Chupin et Carmela Cucuzzella présentent leurs recherches lors d’un colloque intitulé « 5th STS Italia conference, A Mater of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology » à Milan, en Italie (Juin 2014) | |||
2013 | Jean-Pierre Chupin publie un chapitre de livre sur l`architecture scolaire | Jean-Pierre Chupin publie « Concourir à la qualité de l’architecture scolaire » dans le livre «L’Athénée royal Riva Bella Braine-l’Alleud» (2013) | |||
2013/05/24-25 | La Chaire de recherche sur les concours et les pratiques contemporaines en architecture présente un colloque international | La Chaire de recherche sur les concours et les pratiques contemporaines en architecture présente le colloque international « Ornament, Algorithms and Analogies; Between Cognitive and Technological Operations in Architecture ». Organisé par Aliki Economides et Jean-Pierre Chupin, il s’agit du colloque inaugural de la série IDEA (International Doctoral Encounters in Architecture). (24-25 mai 2013) | |||
2013/09/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin à l`ENSA Paris-Belleville | Jean-Pierre Chupin participe aux Rencontres doctorales en architecture à l’ENSA Paris-La Villette et présente « Quatre manières de penser la recherche en architecture ». (Septembre 2013) | |||
2012/12/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin présente une réflexion sur les analogies biologiques dans les concours | Jean-Pierre Chupin présente une réflexion sur les analogies biologiques dans les concours à la conférence 2012 de l`Universities Art Association of Canada dans une session dirigée par Carmela Cucuzzella (Design for Sustainability by Design) | |||
2012/10/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin participe à la 42e conférence internationale de recherche sur les concours | Jean-Pierre Chupin présente une recherche sur les concours internationaux à la 42 conférence internationale de recherche sur les concours à la Aalto University School of Arts d`Helsinki | |||
2012/09 | Jean-Pierre Chupin contribue à un livre | Jean-Pierre Chupin est invité à contribuer au Livre Blanc des Archives de l`Architecture en fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles | |||
2012/04/6 | Jean-Pierre Chupin invité au California Polytechnic College of Architecture | Jean-Pierre Chupin est invité dans le cycle Hearst Lectures du California Polytechnic College of Architecture de San Luis Obispo et prononce une conférence intitulée «On the Analogical Core of Architectural Thinking» | |||
2012/03/16-17 | La Chaire et le LEAP organisent un colloque international en mars 2012 | Jean-Pierre Chupin (CRC) et Georges Adamczyk (LEAP) organisent le colloque « International Competitions and Architectural Quality in the Planetary Age » qui rassemblera les meilleurs experts mondiaux sur les concours en provenance de 10 pays et recevra l’architecte Shohei Shigematsu (OMA, New-York). 16-17 mars 2012 | |||
2012/02/01 | 1 chercheur et 5 assistants publient un numéro d’ARQ sur « l’après concours » | Pierre Boyer-Mercier dirige un numéro d’ARQ/Architecture Québec sur « l’après concours » avec 5 articles écrits par des étudiants du LEAP (Élizabeth Critchley-Caron, Camille Crossman, Simon D. Bergeron, David Grenier et Magalie Meunier), Février 2012, no.158 | |||
2012/02/01 | Anne Cormier membre du jury sur trois concours | Anne Cormier est membre du jury sur trois concours : «Saisir l’essence», Prix de la photographie et du design Alumia 2012., «Repensons le pont Champlain», concours d’idées organisé par le journal La Presse., «Migrating Landscape», Concours national pour la sélection des projets de la Biennale de Venise 2012 | |||
2012/02/01 | Un chercheur du LEAP commissaire d’une exposition sur Éric Gauthier | Denis Bilodeau présente une nouvelle exposition sur l’architecte Éric Gauthier au centre d’exposition de l’Université de Montréal du 2 février au 15 mars 2012 | |||
2012/01/01 | 2 livres à paraître en 2012 | 2 livres écrits par des chercheurs du LEAP sont sous presse : « Sémantique du territoire et de l’édification » de Pierre Boudon aux éditions Infolio et « La première église Notre-Dame de Montréal : l`architecture d`un monument disparu » de Jacques Lachapelle (Éditeur : Éditions de la Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal / Collection : Mémoire et histoire), à paraître en 2012 | |||
2012/01/01 | Une bourse pour Jacques Lachapelle et Nicholas Roquet | Les professeurs Jacques Lachapelle et Nicholas Roquet reçoivent une aide du programme de développement de la recherche de la Faculté de l’aménagement afin de préparer une demande de subvention aux grands organismes subventionnaires | |||
2012/01/01 | Louis Martin dirige une monographie sur Melvin Charney | Louis Martin dirige un ouvrage collectif sur l’architecte et artiste canadien Melvin Charney, à paraître en 2012 | |||
2012/01/01 | Georges Adamczyk rend hommage à Michel Kagan | Georges Adamczyk écrit un chapitre dans une monographie collective en hommages à l’architecte français Michel Kagan, à paraître en 2012 | |||
2012/01/01 | Le LEAP rencontre la Maison de l’Architecture du Québec | Jean-Pierre Chupin et Georges Adamczyk participent au conseil d’administration de la Maison de l’Architecture du Québec pour trouver des points d’arrimage entre la programmation de la Maison de l’Architecture du Québec et les activités du LEAP | |||
2012/01/01 | Une nouvelle assistante pour le CCC | Audrée Perrault-Mercier, étudiante au baccalauréat en architecture à la Faculté de l’aménagement, est intégrée comme assistante de recherche au LEAP. Elle travaillera principalement à la mise à jour du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens | |||
2012/01/01 | Une machine à expresso | Plusieurs nouveaux assistants et une nouvelle cafetière pour maintenir la recherche en éveil | |||
2011/12/01 | 6 doctorants reçoivent une bourse de soutien | Imen Ben Jemia, Camille Crossman, Bechara Helal, Jonathan Lachance, Alessandra Mariani et Victor Nasr reçoivent une bourse de soutien financier par le fond de fonctionnement du LEAP | |||
2011/11/01 | Deux doctorants présentent en Turquie | Deux doctorants du LEAP, Camille Crossman et Bechara Helal, présentent une conférence conjointe au colloque Archtheo 2011, organisé par la Fine Arts University of Mimar Sinan, à Istanbul en Turquie, 23-26 novembre 2011 | |||
2011/11/01 | 3 chercheurs internationaux invités aux séminaires du LEAP | Les chercheurs du LEAP reçoivent l’ethnologue Sophie Houdart et les sociologues Florent Champy et Jean-Michel Léger, invités à la fois lors des séminaires des chercheurs et dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences du LEAP de l’automne 2011 « Mutations pratiques : regards croisés sur l’architecture » | |||
2011/10/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin en Chine | Jean-Pierre Chupin est invité au colloque international « World without a center : The dispersal of knowledge and culture in the planetary age » à la Jia Tong University de Shangai, avec des professeurs de littérature comparée de l’Université de Montréal, octobre 2011 | |||
2011/10/01 | Louis Martin à Carleton University (Ottawa) | Louis Martin participe au colloque annuel de l`UAAC/AAUC (l’Association d’art des Universités du Canada) à Carleton University et présente une conférence intitulée « Melvin Charney: In Search of the Image behind the Image », 25-27 octobre 2011 | |||
2011/10/01 | Renouvellement des demandes de subvention | Les chercheurs du LEAP déposent 3 demandes de subventions auprès des grands organismes subventionnaires (FQRSC, CRSH) | |||
2011/09/01 | Leçons d’histoire d’un concours. La Faculté de l’aménagement en 1994 | La Faculté de l’Aménagement et le Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle organisent le colloque « Leçons d’histoire d’un concours. La Faculté de l’aménagement en 1994 ». Jean-Pierre Chupin et David Grenier ont conçu le site internet intégrant 6 entrevues vidéo, 29 septembre 2011 | |||
2011/09/01 | Lancement de la Chaire de recherche sur les concours | La Chaire de recherche sur les concours est officiellement lancée en présence de monsieur Joseph Hubert, vice-recteur à la recherche, 29 septembre 2012 | |||
2011/09/01 | Pierre Boudon à l’Association Française de Sémiotique | Pierre Boudon participe à 3 journées recherche organisées par l’Association Française de Sémiotique dirigé par Anne Haynaud et Jean-François Bordron, à Royaumont en France, 25-28 septembre 2011 | |||
2011/09/01 | Un nouveau site internet | La reprise des activités scientifiques du LEAP est soulignée par la mise en ligne d’un tout nouveau site internet, qui intègre le site de la Chaire de recherche sur les concours | |||
2011/09/01 | Deux nouveaux chercheurs | Carmela Cucuzzella, PhD. et Nicholas Roquet, PhD, sont officiellement intégrés à l’équipe des chercheurs du LEAP et participent à l’élaboration de la programmation 2012-2016 | |||
2011/09/01 | Une nouvelle doctorante | Alessandra Mariani, étudiante au doctorat en histoire de l’art sous la direction de Louis Martin à l’UQAM, est intégrée comme assistante de recherche au LEAP | |||
2011/07/01 | Une ancienne doctorante du LEAP obtient un poste à l’Université Concordia | Carmela Cucuzzella intègre un poste de professeure adjointe à la faculté de Design and Computation Arts de l’Université Concordia. Toutes nos félicitations! | |||
2011/06/01 | Anne (Big City) chez BMR | Anne Cormier, Randy Cohen et Howard Davies (Big City) sont interviewés par La Presse | |||
2011/05/01 | Le LEAP participe à une recherche sur le concours de 1994 | Sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin, plusieurs assistants du LEAP travaillent à une vaste recherche historique et documentaire en vue d’un retour d’expérience sur le concours de réaménagement de la Faculté de l’aménagement organisé en 1994. Une première étape est présentée au recteur en mai 2011 | |||
2011/05/01 | Une chaire pour Jean-Pierre! | Jean-Pierre Chupin reçoit une « chaire de recherche sur les concours et les pratiques contemporaines de l’architecture » financée par l’Université de Montréal avec le soutien du Vice-recteur à la recherche, Joseph Hubert, et le Doyen de la Faculté de l’aménagement, Giovanni de Paoli | |||
2011/05/01 | Trois nouveaux assistants au LEAP | Anne Saint-Laurent, Magalie Meunier et David Grenier, étudiants en architecture à l’Université de Montréal, intègrent le LEAP comme assistants de recherche | |||
2011/04/01 | Une doctorante du LEAP reçoit une bourse prestigieuse | Camille Crossman, doctorante sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin, reçoit la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada Joseph-Armand-Bombardier décernée par le CRSH pour une durée de 3 ans | |||
2011/04/01 | 3 doctorants du L.E.A.P. présentent leur sujet de recherche au premier colloque des études supérieures facultaires | Bechara Helal, Carmela Cucuzzella et Camille Crossman présentent leur sujet de recherche lors d’un colloque organisé par le regroupement des étudiants aux études supérieures à la Faculté de l’aménagement | |||
2011/04/01 | Carmela soutient sa thèse de doctorat | Carmela Cucuzzella, coordonnatrice des assistants de recherche termine sa recherche doctorale sous la direction des professeurs Pierre De Coninck et Daniel Pearl avec la mention « excellente » | |||
2011/04/01 | Jacques interrogé par La Presse | Jacques Lachapelle parle de l’intégration des garages dans la construction des maisons dans les années 30 dans un article de Lucie Lavigne (18 avril 2011) | |||
2011/03/01 | Daniel Pearl interrogé par La Presse | Daniel Pearl défend l’importance de vivre dans un contexte plus dense pour réduire notre empreinte écologique dans un article de Danielle Bonneau (14 mars 2011) | |||
2011/03/01 | Le FQRSC publie une fiche sur le LEAP | Le Fonds québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture souligne l’importance des retombées de la recherche du L.E.A.P. dans la rubrique Milieux de vie, aménagement et appropriation de l’espace humain | |||
2011/03/01 | Nos 5 doctorants reçoivent une bourse du LEAP | 5 candidats doctorants reçoivent une bourse de soutien financier avec l`aide de notre fonds de fonctionnement octroyé par le FQRSC | |||
2011/02/01 | Le LEAP publie un numéro spécial d’ARQ | Un numéro spécial d’ARQ, édité par Jean-Pierre Chupin et Camille Crossman, est publié en février 2011 (n.154), sous le titre : Les concours une affaire de jugement | |||
2011/02/01 | Un bébé pour Imen! | Imen Ben Jemia, doctorante au LEAP, donne naissance à un garçon, Hédi, le 2 février 2011 | |||
2011/01/01 | Jean-Pierre à la radio de France culture | Jean-Pierre Chupin est invité par France culture à présenter son ouvrage, Architecture et théorie en architecture, à l’émission Les jeudis de l’architecture, animée par François Chaslin | |||
2010/10/01 | Une nouvelle assistante au LEAP | Élizabeth Critchley-Caron, étudiante à la maîtrise professionnelle en architecture, intègre le LEAP comme assistante de recherche de Jacques Lachapelle | |||
2010/10/01 | Le CCC s’expose au Musée à Québec | Dans le cadre d’une exposition au Musée National des beaux-arts de Québec, la base de données du Catalogue des concours canadiens est utilisée comme outil interactif de présentation des projets d’architecture proposés pour l’agrandissement du musée lors du concours lancé en 2009 | |||
2010/10/01 | Izabel Amaral soutient sa thèse de doctorat | Izabel Amaral termine sa recherche doctorale sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin avec la mention « excellente » | |||
2010/10/01 | Carmela aux Pays-Bas | Carmela Cucuzzella donne une conférence sur le principe de précaution à Delft dans le cadre du colloque international ERSCP-EMSU 2010: Knowledge Collaboration & Learning For Sustainable Innovation | |||
2010/10/01 | Jean-Pierre présente son livre à Paris et Montpellier | Jean-Pierre Chupin donne des conférences en France sur le rôle de l’analogie dans la théorie de l’architecture | |||
2010/09/01 | Anne (Big City) remporte le concours du Centre Culturel de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce | À l’issue du processus de sélection, les architectes de Big City sont nommés lauréats du concours pour le nouveau Centre Culturel de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce | |||
2010/09/01 | Lancement du livre de Jean-Pierre à la Faculté de l’aménagement | Jean-Pierre Chupin lance le premier volume de ses recherches, Analogie et théorie en architecture, (éditions Infolio 2010) lors d’une soirée organisée à la Faculté de l’Aménagement | |||
2010/08/01 | Céline au Brésil et en Suède | Céline-Coralie Mertenat, étudiante à la MscA en aménagement et assistante au LEAP participe à deux conférences sur le développement durable au Brésil et en Suède | |||
2010/03/01 | Frédérick lauréat d’un concours d’idées | Frédérick Boily, étudiant à la maîtrise et assistant au LEAP est l’un des 5 finalistes du concours d’idées pour les abords de la station Champ-de-Mars organisé par la ville de Montréal | |||
2010/08/01 | 3 conférences au Brésil | Jean-Pierre Chupin donne 2 conférences sur l’analogie en architecture à l’invitation des universités fédérales de Rio et de Recife et une conférence sur le jugement des concours à Brasilia | |||
2010/07/01 | Anne Cormier et Big City s’exposent | L’Atelier Big City participe à des expositions collectives à Vancouver et Toronto | |||
2010/06/01 | Un doctorant du LEAP au CCA | Victor Nasr, doctorant au LEAP sous la direction de Denis Bilodeau obtient une bourse de séjour au Centre Canadien d’Architecture de juin à septembre | |||
2010/05/01 | Un nouvel assistant au LEAP | Ychang Chao, étudiant à la maîtrise en architecture intègre le LEAP en tant qu’assistant pour la recherche menée par Jacques Lachapelle | |||
2010/06/01 | Le livre de JP Chupin publié en Suisse | Jean-Pierre Chupin publie le premier volume de ses recherches, Analogie et théorie, aux éditions Infolio dans la nouvelle collection Projet et Théorie qu’il codirige avec Paolo Amaldi. | |||
2010/05/01 | Denis publie une monographie | Denis Bilodeau signe la monographie de l’exposition sur l’architecte Éric Gauthier à la maison de l’architecture du Québec. | |||
2010/05/01 | McLeans souligne l’importance du CCC | 24 mai, Buildings that will be and might have been, P. Wells, McLeans.ca | |||
2010/05/01 | Le L.E.A.P. organise un colloque de l’ACFAS 2010 | 12 et 13 mai, Tous les doctorants et chercheurs du L.E.A.P. participent activement au colloque de l’ACFAS sur le jugement dans les concours. | |||
2010/05/01 | Jean Pierre à Copenhague | Jean-Pierre Chupin est keynote speaker au colloque de la Copenhagen Business School et présente les recherches du L.E.A.P. | |||
2010/04/01 | Jacques démarre une nouvelle recherche | Jacques Lachapelle reçoit une importante subvention de recherche du CRSH pour une monographie sur l’architecte J. Omer Marchand | |||
2010/04/01 | La Presse souligne le succès du CCC | 7 avril, Un intérêt sans précédent pour le concours du MNBAQ, P. A. Normandin, Cyberpresse.ca | |||
2010/04/01 | Le CCC collabore avec le MNBAQ | Le L.E.A.P. est fier de collaborer avec le Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec pour la diffusion des tous les projets du grand concours international sur le CCC. | |||
2010/03/01 | L’OAQ reconnait le colloque du L.E.A.P. | L’Ordre des Architectes du Québec reconnait le colloque du L.E.A.P. (mai 2010) sur le jugement dans le cadre de son programme de formation permanente. | |||
2010/03/01 | Anne à Toronto | 13 mars au 18 avril, Anne Cormier participe avec l`Atelier Big City à l’exposition «In Study Model Wonderland from Halifax to Vancouver» au Chalmers Design Centre and Teknion Lounge du Design Exchange (DX) à Toronto | |||
2010/02/01 | Le fonds des amis du CCC prend forme | Jean-Pierre Chupin participe à une première rencontre facultaire pour la mise en place du Fonds des amis du CCC visant à attribuer la pérennité de cette ressource en ligne. | |||
2010/02/01 | Big City s’expose | 11 février au 18 avril, Anne Cormier participe avec l`Atelier Big City à l’exposition «Penser tout haut | Faire l`architecture» au Centre de design de l’UQAM. | |||
2010/01/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin en Suisse | Jean-Pierre Chupin rencontre l’équipe des éditions INFOLIO à Genève pour la conception de la collection Projet et Théorie qu’il dirige avec Paolo Amaldi. | |||
2010/01/01 | Anne à Radio-Canada | 13 janvier, Entrevue d’Anne Cromier à l’émission de Christiane Charrette à Radio-Canada au sujet de la tour Burj Khalifa à Dubaï. | |||
2009/12/01 | Simon Bergeron integre le LEAP | Simon Bergeron étudiant au 1er cycle en architecture devient assistant de recherche au LEAP | |||
2009/12/01 | Jean-Pierre à Radio Canada sur le concours MNBAQ | Jean-Pierre Chupin - entretien à Radio Canada avec Catherine Lachaussée de Radio Canada Québec à propos de la première phase du concours pour le nouveau pavillon du MNBAQ | |||
2009/12/01 | Jean-Pierre membre de jury | Jean-Pierre Chupin - membre de jury du concours pour la nouvelle bibliotheque de Ville St. Laurent | |||
2009/12/01 | Nos doctorants reçoivent une bourse du LEAP | 5 candidats doctorants reçoivent une bourse de soutien financier avec l`aide de notre fonds de fonctionnement octroyé par le FQRSC | |||
2009/11/01 | Anne membre de jury | Anne Cormier membre de jury du concours Northern Ontario School of Architecture, Sudbury, Ontario | |||
2009/11/01 | Daniel et Céline à Barcelone | Daniel Pearl et Céline Mertenat à Barcelone - mission de prospection | |||
2009/11/01 | Esquisses aborde les concours | Anne Cormier et Jean-Pierre Chupin participent au numéro spécial sur les « concours » de la revue Esquisses de l’Ordre des architectes du Québec. | |||
2009/11/01 | Réflexions sur le logement collectif | Georges Adamczyk dirige un numéro spécial de Architecture Québec (ARQ) sur le Logement Collectif. Jacques Lachapelle signe un article sur l’histoire des HLM à Montréal. | |||
2009/10/01 | Éco-quartiers … | Daniel Pearl donne la conférence de clôture du séminaire Franco-Canadien (UdeM-Versailles) sur les éco-quartiers. | |||
2009/10/01 | Carmela en Grande-Bretagne | 26-27 Octobre - Carmela Cucuzzella présente deux conférences au colloque international « Sustainable Innovation 2009 » à Farnham en Grande-Bretagne. | |||
2009/10/01 | Vers un portfolio électronique? | Denis Bilodeau participe au projet pédagogique dirigé par Manon Guité sur le portfolio électronique et subventionné par l’UdeM. | |||
2009/09/01 | Georges et Jean-Pierre participent à un colloque en hommage à André Corboz | Georges Adamczyk et Jean-Pierre Chupin participent à un colloque en hommage à André Corboz organisé au CCA par la Chaire en patrimoine urbain de l’UQAM. Georges Adamczyk présente une communication ayant pour sujet « l’architecture et le contexte » et Jean-Pierre Chupin dirige la session « construire la ville » | |||
2009/09/01 | Une deuxième bébé pour Isabelle LeClair! | Isabelle Le Clair est l’heureuse maman d’Olivia née en septembre | |||
2009/09/01 | Publication dans LOG | Louis Martin publie un article sur la théorie dans l’excellent journal américain LOG : « Against Architecture ». | |||
2009/09/01 | Le CCC est présenté au rectorat | 17 Septembre - Jean-Pierre Chupin et Georges Adamczyk sont invités à présenter le Catalogue des Concours Canadiens lors d’un déjeuner au rectorat rassemblant des donateurs potentiels. | |||
2009/09/01 | Georges Adamczyk et Daniel Pearl imaginent le future | 17 Septembre - Daniel Pearl et Georges Adamczyk sont conférenciers invités du Colloque organisé par le rectorat de l’Université de Montréal : « Imaginer le campus de l’avenir ». | |||
2009/09/01 | Deux nouveaux assistants au LEAP! | Frédérick Boily, étudiant à la maîtrise professionnelle en architecture (UdeM) et Christian Semaan, étudiant à la maîtrise en Histoire de l’art (UQAM) intègrent le LEAP comme assistants de recherche. | |||
2009/09/01 | Pierre Boudon en France | Du 1er au 8 Septembre Pierre Boudon participe au colloque international de Cerisy-la-Salle (France) sur le thème « architecture et littérature ». | |||
2009/07/01 | Félicitations à Bechara et à Imen!!! | Bechara Helal et Imen Ben Jemia, candidats au doctorat reçoivent la bourse d’études du FQRSC pour 3 ans | |||
2009/07/01 | Fabiano Sobreira rencontre Denis Lemieux au MCCQ | 7 juillet 2009 - Mission académique à la Direction du lectorat et des politiques du Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec. Entretien avec M. Denis Lemieux. | |||
2009/05/01 | Félicitations à Imen Ben Jemia! | Imen obtient la prestigieuse bourse du CCA pour un séjour de 4 mois à la bibliothèque du Centre Canadien d`Architecture. | |||
2009/06 | Mission de Fabiano Sobreira à Paris | 8-11 juin 2009, Fabiano Sobreira, post doctorant, effectue un séjour de recherche à Paris auprès de la MIQCP (Mission Interministérielle pour la Qualité des Constructions Publiques) sur les concours de projets et les enjeux de l’administration publique en France | |||
2009/04/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin en Autriche | 20 avril 2009, Jean-Pierre Chupin à l`Akademie der bildenden künste Wien (Institut für Kunst und Architektur) de Vienne en Autriche à titre de conférencier invité dans le cycle international « We built this City… ». | |||
2009/04/01 | Un nouveau projet de recherche financé par le CRSH | Jean-Pierre Chupin, Georges Adamczyk et Pierre Boudon reçoivent une subvention ordinaire de recherche du CRSH pour travailler sur les Conflits d’interprétation analogique et le jugement architectural dans les concours publics canadiens (1984-2004) | |||
2009/03/01 | L.E.A.P. Radiophonique | 10 mars 2009, Jacques Lachapelle en entrevue à Radio Canada sur le thème de Montréal du futur à travers l’histoire | |||
2009/03/01 | Débat Public sur le concours du Gesù | 18 mars 2009, Jacques Lachapelle participe au débat public suite à la délibération du jury du concours Mise en Lumière de la Façade du Gesù | |||
2009/03/01 | Concours du Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec | 28 mars 2009, Jean-Pierre Chupin est invité à présenter son rapport sur la différence entre les Partenariats Public Privé et les concours d’architecture au Conseil d’administration du Musée des Beaux-Arts du Québec dans le cadre du concours international sur le nouveau pavillon. | |||
2009/02/01 | Denis Bilodeau au MCCCQ | 18 février 2009, Denis Bilodeau est invité à présenter sa recherche sur 15 ans de concours au Québec devant un panel d’administrateurs publics au (MCCCQ) Ministère de la Culture, de la Communication et de la Condition Féminine du Québec. | |||
2009/02/01 | Jacques Lachapelle illumine la façade du Gesù | 26 février 2009, Jacques Lachapelle participe au jury du concours Mise en Lumière de la Façade du Gesù | |||
2009/02/01 | Collaboration L.E.A.P. – E.T.H. (Zurich) | 10 février 2009, Jean-Pierre Chupin rencontre Joris Van Wezemael au centre de recherche sur les concours (Forschung Planungswettbewerbe, Research design competitions) à l’ETH de Zurich pour établir un protocole de collaboration avec le LEAP. | |||
2009/01/01 | Félicitations à Lino pour son excellent mémoire de MScA | Lino Gomes Alves, obtient avec mention son diplôme de maîtrise MScA Aménagement sur l`archivage numérique des concours Europan comme situation d`analyse scientifique du concours d`idées en architecture. | |||
2009/01/01 | Louis Martin à Yale University | 23-24 janvier 2009, Louis Martin participe au symposium "Reassessing Rudolph: Architecture and Reputation", School of Architecture, Yale University | |||
2009/01/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin et Jean-Pierre Boutinet | 24 janvier 2009, Jean-Pierre Chupin a prononcé une conférence intitulée « L`anticipation et les avatars de l`architecture potentielle » en ouverture du colloque international organisé par l`Université Catholique de l`Ouest et l`Université d`Angers du 28 au 30 janvier 2009 autour des travaux de Jean-Pierre Boutinet. | |||
2008/12/01 | Pierre Boudon à Paris | Pierre Boudon est invité à Paris dans le séminaire de sémiotique de Jean-François Bordron (architecture et espaces) | |||
2008/11/01 | Le L.E.A.P. est consulté sur les concours | 28 novembre 2008, Les chercheurs du LEAP participent à la table ronde sur les concours organisée par le comité des concours de l’Ordre des Architectes du Québec | |||
2008/10/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin expose à la galerie Monopoli | Jean-Pierre Chupin présente sa recherche création avec l’écrivaine Catherine Mavrikakis à la Galerie Monopoli dans le cadre de l’évènement Frontières émouvantes II. | |||
2008/10/01 | A quoi sert la théorie? Le cycle de conférences du LEAP pour l`automne 2008 | Le cycle de conférences internationales du LEAP présente 6 conférenciers en provenance d`Europe et d`Amérique du Nord sur le rôle de la théorie dans l`architecture contemporaine | |||
2008/09/01 | Fabiano Sobreira stagiaire postdoctoral | Le LEAP accueille le stagiaire postdoctoral Fabiano Sobreira pour une année de recherches conjointes sur l`intégration des questions environnementales dans l`organisation des concours | |||
2008/07/01 | Visite guidée | 23 juillet 2008, Jacques Lachapelle présente l’édifice du Pavillon Principal de l’Université de Montréal auprès des délégués de la Society for College and University Planning, à la demande de l’attaché de presse international de l’Université de Montréal | |||
2008/05/01 | Pierre Boudon à Miami | Pierre Boudon participe au colloque FLAIR qui se tient à Miami en Floride | |||
2008/05/01 | Félicitations Jean-Pierre | Jean-Pierre Chupin reçoit un Prix d’excellence en enseignement de l’Université de Montréal (catégorie professeurs agrégés) | |||
2008/05/01 | OUPROPO sort de la faculté | 27 mai 2008, Cette année, l’Université de Montréal fait honneur aux travaux des étudiants en architecture en choisissant quelques projets conçus dans le cadre de l’atelier Oupropo dirigé par Jean-Pierre Chupin sur le thème du futur | |||
2008/05/01 | Félicitations Alexandre et Marie-Eve !! | Alexandre Massé et Marie-Eve Primeau, assistants de recherche du LEAP, ont reçu la Bourse du Collège des Présidents de l’Ordre des Architectes du Québec. C’est la première fois qu’elle est attribuée à 2 personnes | |||
2008/05/01 | L’équipe s’agrandit | Louis Martin, professeur en histoire de l’Art à l’UQàM, se joint à l’équipe des chercheurs du LEAP | |||
2008/04/01 | Longue vie au LEAP !!! | 22 avril 2008, C’est avec plaisir que nous annonçons que le Fonds Québécois de recherche sur la Société et la Culture nous a renouvelé sa confiance en nous octroyant de nouveau la subvention de fonctionnement pour un programme de recherche intitulé Théorie et pratique de l’Architecture dans le cadre de son programme de soutien aux équipes de recherche pour la période 2008-2012 | |||
2008/04/01 | Le LEAP au CCA | Izabel Amaral, doctorante et assistante de recherche au LEAP, a reçu la subvention de recherche Groupe Financier Banque TD dans la collection du CCA, décernée à un étudiant diplômé | |||
2008/03/01 | Greening/Verdir | 8 mars 2008, Ouverture du forum en ligne "Greening/Verdir" des écoles canadiennes d`architecture (conçu par le L.E.A.P.) | |||
2008/03/01 | OUPROPO | 8 mars 2008, Mise à jour du site de l’orientation OUPROPO de la Maîtrise en architecture (100 projets d’étudiants ) avec une belle revue de presse | |||
2008/01/01 | Europan-France | 18 janvier 2008, Le portail des concours Europan-France, un moteur de recherche bilingue conçu par le LEAP est enfin accessible au grand public. | |||
2007/12/01 | Exposition itinérante … | L`exposition de Denis Bilodeau Concours d`architecture & imaginaire territoriale sera exposée Pavillon de l`Arsenal (Paris, France) du 6 décembre 2007 au 8 janvier 2008. Elle ex plore les relations entre l’architecture et le territoire dans les concours d’architecture organisés entre 1991 et 2005 au Québec.. L`exposition est réalisée en collaboration avec le Centre de design de l`UQAM. | |||
2007/11/01 | Documenter les concours … | Jean-Pierre Chupin clôture le premier colloque européen «Architecture & archives numériques natives » à Paris, le 7 novembre prochain. Sa présentation est intitulée : «Documenter les concours, concourir à la recherche». Le colloque est organisé par le Centre d`archivces d`architecture du XXe siècle, la Cité d`architecture et du patrimoine et l`Institut national de l`histoire de l`art. (programme en format pdf) | |||
2007/10/01 | Le L.e.a.p. aux Halles … (cycle des conférences du L.e.a.p.) | 30 octobre 2007, « La campagne des Halles : les nouveaux malheurs de Paris par Françoise Fromonot » (cycle des conférence du L.E.A.P.) Toutes les conférences publiques de l`École sont tenues dans l`amphithéâtre 3110 (sauf si avis contraire) et débutent à 17:45. | |||
2007/10/01 | Un 2e concours couronné de succès… | Anne Cormier, accueille un jury pan-canadien à l’Université de Montréal qui choisit les projets lauréats du concours en recherche-création : « Repenser et redéfinir le logement social en centre-ville ». Un total de 10 000$ en prix à été attribué. | |||
2007/10/01 | Colloque «Repenser et redéfinir le logement social en centre-ville» | Le « colloque Repenser et redéfinir le logement social en centre-ville » est ouvert à tous ceux qui s`intéressent au logement social. La thématique principal du colloque est le logement social comme agent de renouveau urbain et comprend aussi la présentation des 30 projets finalistes des deux concours du L.E.A.P. | |||
2007/09/01 | Alberti vs. Mies, le L.e.a.p. vous invite … (cycle des conférences du L.e.a.p.) | 25 septembre 2007, Le mur et la colonne : Alberti vs. Mies by Paolo Amaldi (cycle des conférence du L.E.A.P.) Toutes les conférences publiques de l`École sont tenues dans l`amphithéâtre 3110 (sauf si avis contraire) et débutent à 17:45 | |||
2007/09/01 | Le L.e.a.p. s`en va à Pernambouc … (cycle des conférences du L.e.a.p.) | 11 septembre 2007, Pernambouc : une autre modernité de l`architecture brésilienne bySonia Marques(cycle des conférence du L.E.A.P.) Toutes les conférences publiques de l`École sont tenues dans l`amphithéâtre 3110 (sauf si avis contraire) et débutent à 17:45. | |||
2007/05/01 | Revue de presse du premier concours du L.e.a.p. … | Le premier concours Repenser et redéfinir le logement social en centre-ville a attiré l`attention des médias locaux et nationaux. Des arcticles ont été publiés dans le Forum de l`UdM, le quotidien Le Devoir et le magasine d`architecture Canadian Architect. | |||
2007/03/01 | Un printemps à Paris… | Jean-Pierre Chupin participe à la conférence Génération Europan à La Cité de l`Architecture à Paris et apportera une perspective extérieure sur l`impact des concours Europan 20 ans après leurs débuts. Les liens suivants proposent des versions PDF des programmes de la conférence et de la dernière édition de ce concours européen bien connu. | |||
2007/01/01 | Exposition de travaux d’étudiants… | Les projets des étudiants ayant participé au concours Repenser et redéfinir le logement social en centre-ville sont exposés à la Faculté de design environnemental de l’Université de Calgary. | |||
2006/12/01 | Échange architectural à Lyon… | Les chercheurs Anne Cormier, Georges Adamczyk et Jean-Pierre Chupin participent aux `Dix-neuvièmes Entretiens` du Centre Jacques Cartier à Lyon. | |||
2006/12/01 | Aldo Rossi et l’analogie… | Jean-Pierre Chupin donne une conférence à l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais s’intitulant La Città analoga d’Aldo Rossi. | |||
2006/12/01 | Exposition et publication… | En collaboration avec le Centre de Design de l’UQAM, Denis Bilodeau et son équipe d’assistants de recherche présentent l’exposition et la publication unanimement saluées s’intitulant : « Concours d’architecture et imaginaire territorial : Les projets culturels au Québec, 1991-2005 ». | |||
2006/11/01 | Des photographies d’architecture pour le plaisir de tous… | Georges Adamczyk est le commissaire d’une exposition du photographe de renommée internationale Marc Cramer au Centre d’exposition de l’Université de Montréal. | |||
2006/10/01 | Félicitations Jason!! | Jason Goorts, assistant de recherche du LEAP, a reçu la Médaille étudiante de l’IRAC pour avoir obtenu le plus haut niveau d’excellence académique dans le cadre de son projet final à l’École d’architecture de l’Université de Montréal. Son projet à également été publié dans la revue ARQ (numéro 136) en plus d’être sur la page couverture. | |||
2006/10 | Un concours couronné de succès… | Anne Cormier, accueille un jury international à l’Université de Montréal qui choisit les projets lauréats du concours en recherche-création : Repenser et redéfinir le logement social en centre-ville. Un total de 10 000$ en prix à été attribué. | |||
2006/06/01 | Innovation et conservation au I.P.E … | En collaboration avec Rim Ben Fredj, Imen Ben Jemia et Mathieu Pomerleau, Jacques Lachapelle présente une communication sous le titre «Innover et conserver, méthode de recherche pour l`analyse des projets architecturaux» dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle de la SEAC (Société pour l’étude de l’architecture au Canada) organisé 14-17 Juin 2006 à Charlottetown à l’Île du Prince Edouard. | |||
2006/06/01 | Prototype de moteur de recherche en Europe … | Jean-Pierre Chupin présente un prototype de moteur de recherche sur les projets d`architecture au forum européen EUROPAN de Dordrecht. | |||
2006/06 | Le LEAP visite Vancouver … | Georges Adamczyk et Shannon Pirie participent au congrès annuel de l`Institut Royal d`Architecture du Canada et présentent le CCC lors de la table ronde du comité de révision du guide des concours (Document 5). | |||
2006/04/01 | Lancement du CCC … | Lancement du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens <http://www.ccc.umontreal.ca/> donnant accès au grand public à plus de 4000 documents sur des concours organisés depuis 1945. | |||
2006/04/01 | Une nouvelle subvention … | Denis Bilodeau et Jean-Pierre Chupin obtiennent une généreuse subvention du Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec pour l`exposition au Centre de Design de l`UQAM sur 15 ans de concours au Québec. | |||
2006/03/01 | 25 ans d`ARQ… | Pierre Boyer-Mercier lance le premier numéro d`une série destinée à célébrer les 25 ans de la revue ARQ dont il est un des fondateurs. | |||
2006/01/01 | L`exposition sur les concours québécois avance… | En collaboration avec le Centre de Design de l’Uqam (dir. Marc Choko), Denis Bilodeau (L.e.a.p.) obtient deux subventions du Conseil des arts du Québec et du Conseil des arts du Canada pour l’organisation et la diffusion de l’exposition « Nouveaux territoires culturels » qui sera présentée à l’automne 2006. | |||
2005/12/01 | Deux nouveaux contrats avec Europan… | Jean-Pierre Chupin obtient deux contrats du Groupement d`intérêt public (Europe des projets architecturaux et urbains) pour documenter et analyser les sessions françaises des concours EUROPAN | |||
2005/12/01 | Deux “lumières” à Lyon… | Semaine du 4 décembre 2005, Georges Adamczyk et Catherine Szacka participent aux Entretiens Jacques Cartier à Lyon | |||
2005/12/01 | L`esquisse à l`ère numérique… | 1 + 2 décembre 2005, Pierre Boudon participe au colloque SCAN`05 sur le rôle de l`esquisse architecturale dans le monde numérique (Paris Val-de-Seine) | |||
2005/11/01 | Colloque Projetar à Rio… | 15-17 novembre 2005, Sonia Marques, chercheure invitée, participe au deuxième colloque Projetar à Rio de Janeiro | |||
2005/09/01 | Architecture, philosophie, imagination… | 30 septembre + 1 octobre 2005, Colloque international organisé par le LEAP et le Gerphau (France) : Architecture, philosophie et imagination. | |||
2005/09/01 | Le projet tectonique… | 22 septembre 2005, Lancement du livre Le projet tectonique (éditions infolio, Genève, 2005) sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin et Cyrille Simonnet, en présence du professeur Kenneth Frampton | |||
2005/06/01 | Logement social et création… | Anne Cormier obtient une importante subvention de recherche & création du CRSH pour organiser des concours d`étudiants sur le thème du logement social | |||
2005/04/01 | Concours et patrimoine… | Jacques Lachapelle obtient une subvention de recherche du CRSH pour étudier la dimension patrimoniale des concours au Canada | |||
2015/09/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin, Carmela Cucuzzella and Bechara Helal are co-leading a new book on international competitions | « Architecture Competitions and the production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge - An International Inquiry » This book comprises a series of 22 case studies from renowned experts and new scholars in the field of architecture competition research. In 2015, it constitutes the most comprehensive survey of the dynamics behind the definition, organization, judging, archiving and publishing of architectural, landscape and urban design competitions in the world. These richly documented contributions revolve around a few questions that can be summarized in a two fold critical interrogation : How can design competitions - these historical democratic devices, both praised and dreaded by designers - be considered laboratories for the production of environmental design quality, and, ultimately, for the renewing of culture and knowledge ? | |||
2017/02/01 | Round Table and Exhibition : « Une architecture du Québec Moderne 1958-1974 (PGL)» | Round Table and Exhibition organized by Georges Adamczyk and Louis Martin (and Réjean Legault) : « Une architecture du Québec Moderne 1958-1974 (PGL) »
Exhibition promoted by the LEAP, Université de Montréal
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2017/01/19 | Vernissage de l’exposition Une architecture du Québec Moderne 1958-1974 (PGL) | Vernissage de l’exposition organisée par Georges Adamczyk et Louis Martin (et Réjean Legault) au Centre d’exposition de l’Université de Montréal : Une architecture du Québec Moderne 1958-1974 (PGL). Exposition soutenue par le LEAP. | |||
2017/01/30 | Doctoral Thesis Defence – – Bechara Helal (Director Jean-Pierre Chupin) – January 30th 2017 | « The Laboratories of Architecture - Epistemological Inquiry into a Historical Paradigme »
Architectural sites and practices are commonly described in terms borrowed from the arts (studio, creation, masterpiece) and yet, the architectural field relies increasingly on scientific terms (laboratory experimentation, research). This contemporary interest in activities related to scientific research appears to coalesce around the now common notion of "architectural laboratory". Its first materialization dates back to the late nineteenth century and its presence has greatly increased since the recent "digital turn", although this term remains, to this day, still not properly defined. What is an "architectural laboratory"? What elements form its theoretical model? What are the issues related to the emergence of the figure of the "architectural laboratory"? Why and for what purpose do architects refer to the figure of the laboratory?
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2017/03/23 | Rencontre doctorale avec Reinhold Martin | ||||
2017/03/27 | Launching of the new Cahiers de recherche du LEAP Research Notebooks | Launching of the new Cahiers de recherche du LEAP Research Notebooks (Du potentiel des grandes structures urbaines abandonnées / On the Potential of Abandoned Large Urban Structures) with heads of schools represented at LEAP. April 5th, 2017, AME room 1150, 18h00.
Abandoned building, modern ruin, urban ghost, skeleton property, deserted structure … these are some of the words used in an attempt to circumscribe the phenomenon of abandoned city fragments. This abandonment, whether partial or total, temporary or long-term, is examined through the “potential” that the survival of these structures would offer. This first edition of the LEAP Research Notebooks gathers 12 case studies, each structured around a common theme in the disciplines of architecture, art history, and semiotics. From Montreal to Berlin, from Detroit to Turin, the various contributions are structured around four tensions calling into question the status of these structures (monumental / monument), their scale (architectural / city planning), the figures they materialize (utopia / ruin) and the poetics they embody (resistance / potential). As revealed by the authors, these large abandoned urban structures are far from being inert. Not only are they vectors of a collective memory, of potential projects, of multiple imaginations, but they also act as a trigger for a critical re-evaluation of our contemporary societies. Therefore, the large abandoned structure cannot be restricted to the fields of economy or land planning: such complex interweaving of material, technical, social and cultural dimensions calls for architects to reflect on its survival.Issue coordinated by Jean-Pierre Chupin and Tiphaine Abenia
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2017/03/17 | Doctoral Thesis Defence – – Jonathan Lachance (Director Louis Martin) – March 17th 2017 | « Les fondements architecturaux et écologiques de l’Environmental Design aux États-Unis : 1953-1975 » <p/p>Under the supervision of professor Louis Martin at UQAM, the thesis examines the nature of the intersection in between Environmental Design and the natural sciences, and its effects on architecture both as a discipline and as a profession in the 1960s’. The first chapter retraces the origins of the discipline of Environmental Design in the 1950s’ in the teachings of Serge Chermayeff at Harvard and in the College of Environmental Design in Berkeley created by William W. Wurster, and it gives an overview of its successive development, dissemination and gradual institutionalization throughout the United States in the 1960s’. The two following chapters are case studies of two landscape architects who have introduced ecology, biology and other natural sciences in their discourse during this last decade: Ian McHarg from the University of Pennsylvania and Lawrence Halprin from San Francisco. My thesis shows that, although McHarg and Halprin approaches ecology from two different points of view, the aim of the intersection with the natural sciences in the 1960s’ was to help formulate a new unified theories of design and sciences which gives the landscape architect the responsibility to both solve the environmental crisis through enlightened and inclusive design practices, and solve the internal problems of post-war American architecture through the dissemination, among the anglo-saxon architectural culture, of a new definition of architecture as «natural process» rather than «design object». | |||
2017/04/18 | Évènement d’annonce des résultats du concours « En plus d’attendre le bus / More than waiting for the bus » | Mardi 18 avril à la Maison du développement durable se tiendra l'évènement d’annonce des résultats du concours « En plus d’attendre le bus / More than waiting for the bus » organisé par la Chaire IDEAS-Be Concordia University (Carmela Cucuzzella) et la Chaire de Recherche sur les Concours UdeM (JPC) en collaboration avec CRE-Montréal. | |||
2016/10/11 | Vernissage de l’exposition accompagnant la conférence « Sculpture, salon ou Shed» | La conference (Sculpture, salon ou shed, 11 octobre 2016) est accompagnée d’une exposition conçue par Nicholas Roquet et Jacques Plante (professeur agrégé à l’École d’architecture de l’Université Laval) qui rassemble 36 réalisations et projets contemporains pour des musées et centres d’interprétation. Intitulée Architectures d’exposition au Québec, elle permet de comprendre les défis que relèvent, avec ingéniosité, les architectes québécois. L’exposition est présentée au local 2081 du pavillon de la Faculté de l’aménagement du 4 au 14 octobre. Vernissage, le 11 octobre après la conférence. | |||
2016/12/08 | Évènement de lancement du livre « Concourir à l’excellence en architecture / Éditoriaux du CCC 2006-2016 » | Lancement du livre « Concourir à l’excellence en architecture / Éditoriaux du CCC 2006-2016 », sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin. L'évènement se tiendra à l'Université de Montréal, de 17h30 à 19h00, au local 1150. | |||
2016/01/13 | Special issue of Museology on “Research-Creation and the Contemporary Art Space” | Directed by Carmela Cucuzzella and Alessandra Mariani | |||
2015/10/26 | Anne Cormier et Jean-Pierre Chupin participent à l’évènement « Perdants Magnifiques » | Anne Cormier et Jean-Pierre Chupin sont invités à l’événement « Perdants Magnifiques » organisé par la MAQ au Centre Phi le 26 oct. 2015 | |||
2016/12/08 | New book : « Competing for Excellence in Architecture – Editorials from the Canadian Competitions Catalogue (2006-2016) » |
A travel guide for those in search of architectural quality, this book can be browsed in many ways. Written in a clear and concise manner by about thirty authors, it features a collection of editorials from the Canadian Competitions Catalogue (CCC), a large online digital archive open to the public since 2006. The editorials explore more than sixty Canadian architecture competitions held in the last seventy years. Especially in recent years, both public and private institutions have organized competitions across Canada, producing hundreds of architectural, urban planning, and landscape design projects. Together these proposals, most of which remain unbuilt, constitute a fantastic treasure in our tangible and intangible common heritage. Given that competition organizers, designers, juries, and critics never operate alone, there is no doubt whatsoever that this book results from the collaboration of a myriad of people, contributing to and competing for excellence in architecture. | |||
2017/02/28 | 4 PhD students @LEAP receive support grant | Doctoral candidates: Adrienne Costa (UdeM), Mandana Bafghinia (UdeM), Sherif Goubran (Concordia) and Alessandra Mariani (UQAM) each receive a LEAP support grant in March 2017 thanks to our FRQSC infrastructure | |||
2017/01/15 | Doctoral Thesis Defence – – Louis Destombes (Director Jean-Pierre Chupin) – January 15th 2018 | Traductions constructives du projet d’architecture. Théoriser le détail à l’ère de la modélisation intégrative (B.I.M.) Résumé: Cette recherche porte sur le rôle des écarts entre les dessins d’architecture et les édifices qu’ils représentent en analysant le transfert des projets de la figuration à l’édification. Ce phénomène est abordé à la fois en tant que problématique disciplinaire, dans la perspective théorique et historique de la modernité architecturale, et en tant que problème pratique, à travers le tournant numérique de la conception architecturale. L’hypothèse des traductions constructives du projet d’architecture (Evans, 1986), qui attribue une fonction heuristique à ces écarts, est déployée au moyen d’un rapprochement analogique entre conception architecturale et traduction littéraire. Ce parallèle permet de mobiliser les théories de la traduction de l’Allemagne romantique (Berman, 1984) pour problématiser le phénomène du transfert du projet au sein de la discipline architecturale. Interprétés en termes d’attitudes possibles des concepteurs face au transfert du projet, les principes théoriques modernes de la tectonique (Frampton, 1995) et de la construction comme représentation (Levine, 2009) assurent l’ancrage historique de cette problématique. Supports privilégiés pour élaborer et prescrire les dispositifs constructifs, les détails constituent les principaux indicateurs permettant une observation pragmatique de ces attitudes au sein des pratiques professionnelles. L’hypothèse des traductions constructives est testée à travers deux études de cas portant sur la genèse de projets réalisés par les agences Chevalier Morales Architectes au Québec et Jakob+MacFarlane en France. Les opérations de traduction identifiées à travers ces projets témoignent de tensions constructives où le détail apparaît comme une catégorie de la conception architecturale numérique. Ces analyses permettent d’envisager une actualisation des théories modernes du détail à l’aulne de l’évolution contemporaine des méthodologies de conception. Directeur : Jean-Pierre Chupin | |||
Appointment of Cynthia Hammond as Director of the Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (CODHS) | Dr Cynthia Imogen Hammond is Associate Professor and former Chair of the Department of Art History, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. During her postdoctoral fellowship at the School of Architecture, McGill University, she studied the relationships between architecture, philanthropy, and gender. In 2012 she published Architects, Angels, Activists and the City of Bath, 1765-1965 (Ashgate), in which she analyses the politics of heritage and memory in this UNESCO World Heritage city, using research-creation as part of her feminist method. Hammond has published numerous essays on art, architecture, gender, and urban landscapes in journals such as Architecture & Ideas, Women’s Studies, and Studies in the Social Sciences. A practising artist with an interest in place, space, and local knowledge, Hammond’s recent creative work includes two artist residencies that address the relationship of women’s history to urban gardens. Her research-creation projects are documented at cynthiahammond.org. Since July 2017 Hammond is lead Co-Director of the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University. | ||||
2017/05/11 | David Theodore was granted a Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Health, and Computation | ||||
2017/08/30 | Make your maps of excellence on www.MONTREAL-ARCHIMAP.ca |
Discover the cartographic device MONTREAL-ARCHIMAP. The team of the Research Chair on Competitions and Contemporary Practices in Architecture embarked on the design and implementation of a cartographic application highlighting contemporary architecture in Montreal for the 375th anniversary of Montreal. (Nicholas Roquet and Jean-Pierre Chupin in collaboration with Humaneco.ca). | |||
test | Mercredi 22 mars – 17h30. Conférence publique de Reinhold Martin (Columbia University NY), # 1120 de la Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal. | ||||
2017/10/30 | New Book (Translation): Competing for Excellence in Architecture (editorials from the Canadian Competitions Catalogue, 2006 – 2016) Edited by Jean-Pierre Chupin | Montreal, Potential Architecture Books, 322 pages, October 2017 ISBN 978-0-9921317-5-3 A travel guide for those in search of architectural quality, this book can be browsed in many ways. Written in a clear and concise manner by about thirty authors, it features a collection of editorials from the Canadian Competitions Catalogue (CCC), a large online digital archive open to the public since 2006. The editorials explore more than sixty Canadian architecture competitions held in the last seventy years. Especially in recent years, both public and private institutions have organized competitions across Canada, producing hundreds of architectural, urban planning, and landscape design projects. Together these proposals, most of which remain unbuilt, constitute a fantastic treasure in our tangible and intangible common heritage. Given that competition organizers, designers, juries, and critics never operate alone, there is no doubt whatsoever that this book results from the collaboration of a myriad of people, contributing to and competing for excellence in architecture. | |||
2017/11/07 | Tiphaine Abenia – Lauréate de la Bourse Palladio 2017 | Félicitations à Tiphaine Abenia, lauréate de la Bourse Palladio 2017 (Pour son travail de thèse intitulé "Le projet d'architecture contemporain à l'épreuve du reclassement : catégorisation des potentiels de la structure urbaine abandonnée", Tiphaine Abenia (directeurs : Jean-Pierre Chupin et Daniel Estevez) (La bourse de la Fondation Palladio soutient des doctorants et jeunes docteurs, français et étrangers, dont les recherches agissent significativement sur la construction de la ville. Cérémonie : 7 novembre 2017, Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Paris. )) | |||
2015/06/1 | Carmela Cucuzzella has been granted a Concordia University research chair in Integrated Design, Ecology And Sustainability (IDEAS) for the Built Environment | This research chair will develop projects connecting academic knowledge and the needs of communities for sustainable environments. | |||
2012/04/01 | Jean-Pierre Chupin holds the Université de Montréal Research Chair in Competitions and Contemporary Practices in Architecture | This research chair will develop and update the documentary database of the Canadian Competitions Catalogue (www.ccc.umontreal.ca ) and support the understanding of the role of competitions in the quality of our built environment in the fields of architecture, urban design and landscape architecture. | |||
2018/04/15 | Sherif Goubran receives the prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2018-2021) | Sherif Goubran, doctoral student à Concordia University (dir. Carmela Cucuzzella) receives the prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2018-2021) for academic excellence and community involvement. | |||
2018/04/25 | LEAP Notebooks #2: Heteronomy, Autonomy (winter 2018) | Publication of a second issue of texts on contemporary architecture: Cahiers de recherche du LEAP Research notebooks #02 Issue edited by Louis Martin and Jonathan Lachance dedicated to the Potential of Heteronomy and Autonomy in Architecture with invited scholar Prof. Paolo Amaldi (ENSA Versailles). Discover issue#3 on the page dedicated by Potential Architecture Books: here. | |||
2018/05/15 | (winter 2018) 5 doctoral students at LEAP receive a support grant | 5 doctoral students at LEAP receive a support grant taken on the FRQSC infrastructure grant (2016-2020) Elijah Borrero (McGill, dir. David Theodore), Alessandra Mariani (Uqam, dir. Louis Martin), Sherif Goubran (Concordia, dir. Carmela Cucuzzella), Alexandra Paré et Mandana Bafghinia (UdeM, dir. Jean-Pierre Chupin). | |||
2018/08/10 | Louise Pelletier PhD, new member of LEAP | Beginning in the fall of 2018, Louise Pelletier, architect, historian, professor at the Uqam School of Design and director of the Uqam Design Center, joins the LEAP interuniversity team. | |||
2018/08/08 | Jean-Pierre Chupin cosigns a manifesto for the quality of public constructions | Jean-Pierre Chupin, holder of the Université de Montréal Research Chair on Competitions, is co-signatory of the open letter on service contracts for public bodies, a joint manifesto of the Association of Architects in Private Practice of Quebec (AAPPQ) and the Association of Engineering Consulting Firms - Quebec (AFG) against the bill imposing the rule of the lowest bidder. http://www.aappq.qc.ca/nouvelles/lettre-ouverte-contrats-de-services-des-organismes-publics-faudra-t-il-un-autre-viaduc-de-la-concorde | |||
Mandana Bafghinia winner of a 2018 Mitacs Globalink grant to pursue her research on observation decks in Shanghai | The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides $6,000 in Canada to conduct 12–24-week research projects at universities overseas. The fellowship is awarded to support a doctoral research entitled « The Skyscraper: a viewing instrument for the metropolis ». The investigation of Shanghai’s buildings is particularly relevant to my research, both in terms of the quantity of observation decks located in the city and in terms of their design and operation. Besides the development of the thesis, the research stay will generate publications and support the development of a collaboration on high-rise buildings between Jiao Tong university and UdeM. | ||||
Aurélien Catros – Winner of a faculty doctoral fellowship related to Artificial Intelligence 2018 | The “Artificial Intelligence” faculty fellowship, worth $ 2,000 CAD, was awarded to support a doctoral research project entitled “Representation and Simulation of Architecture Project Qualities through the Prism of Building Data Modeling Systems”. This project aims to determine, through a series of comparative analyzes of different scientific models, the part of the numerical modeling of the architectural project in the appreciation of the architectural quality during its design. This research is part of the Montreal Declaration’s “Knowledge”, “Responsibility”, “Autonomy” and “Well-being” components for responsible development of artificial intelligence by promoting the transparency of design algorithms and processes. numerical modeling analysis, now widely democratized in professional practice. | ||||
cahiers de recherche du LEAP #3 | |||||
2019/03/19 | Aaron Richmond at the Max Planck Institute | Since December 2018, Aaron Richmond has been a pre-doctoral fellow in Department II of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. His research there considers the scientific lineages drawn together within the French periodical L'Esprit nouveau (1920-1925). | |||
2019/03/15 | David Theodore and TBA at the Venice Biennale in Architecture of 2020 | The Canada Council for the Arts is proud to support TBA and David Theodore's Impostor Citites exhibit at the Venice Architecture Biennale of 2020. It seeks to understand why, in the cinema, Canadian cities come to substitute themselves for other cities around the world. | |||
2019/02/21 | Alessandra Mariani reviews the CCA exhibit in JAE | Alessandra Mariani was invited to review the CCA's recent exhibition Architecture Itself and Other Postmodernist Myths in The Journal of Architectural Education (JAE). | |||
2019/03/15 | Aristofanis Soulikias awarded the Jorisch Family Artist Residency | Aristofanis Soulikias, an Individualized Program PhD candidate with strong ties to the Faculty of Fine Arts, has been awarded the 2019 Jorisch Family Artist Residency. Announced in 2016, the fellowship supports a four-week artist residency for outstanding graduate students in the Amalie Redlich Tower of the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, Austria. | |||
2019/03/19 | Alexandra Paré will be in Lisbon for an international conference at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation | Alexandra Paré will attend the international conference Educational Architecture – Education, Heritage which will be held in Lisbon from 6-8 May, 2019, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. | |||
2019/03/17 | Morteza Hazbei will be in San Diego for the International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering (ICCAE) | Morteza Hazbei will be in San Diego for the International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering (ICCAE) which brings together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Civil and Architectural Engineering to a common forum. | |||
2019/03/21 | Tiphaine Abenia will be at the international conference-exhibition Inventaires Urbains | Tiphaine Abenia will give a lecture at the international conference-exhibition Inventaires urbains at UQAM on March 21st, 2019. The international conference-exhibition brings together researchers and creators in the field of design and related disciplines to explore the role of inventory and invention in the investigation of the city and its territory. | |||
2019/03/18 | Tiphaine Abenia will give a lecture at the University of Montreal | Tiphaine Abenia will give a lecture entitled De l’abandon et du potentiel en architecture at the University of Montréal on March 18, 2019. This public lecture is organized by the Laboratoire d'Étude de l'Architecture Potentielle (LEAP). | |||
2019/02/15 | LEAP Notebooks #3: On the Potential of Didacticism in Architecture (winter 2019) | Issue #3 of the Cahiers de recherche du LEAP Research Notebooks, coordinated by Carmela Cucuzzella and Cynthia Hammond with Sherif Goubran and Chanelle Lalonde / Guest scholars: Louise Pelletier (Design, Uqam), Nicola Pezolet (Art History, Concordia). Discover issue #3 on the page dedicated by Potential Architecture Books: here. | |||
2019/04/15 | Carmela Cucuzzella and Anne Cormier awarded a SSRHC Partnership Development Grant | Title: CoLLaboratoire for Activating Multi-Modal Mobility (CAM): One Public Space at a Time Chair Ideas-be (Leap@Concordia) Co-Applicants: Anne Cormier, Zackary Patterson, Carolyn Hatch Partners: City of Montreal, CRE Montreal, Jalon MTL, Velo Mtl,. The overall goal of this partnership is to raise awareness and encourage behavior shifts towards more sustainable urban mobility by understanding how public spaces can become knowledge exchange nodes. Its aims to move the climate change conversation into our community (raising awareness) and to awaken environmental behavior (engagement) to empower citizens to change their urban mobility behavior. The first objective is to identify, analyze, and understand the best practices in other cities in North America and Europe for public space interventions that encourage citizens to embrace multi-modal mobility. The second objective is to test, through a series of community workshops, in three different areas in the City of Montreal, these methods (along with others). The workshops will allow the co-development of ideas for public spaces – ideas that will help citizens better understand issues related to multi-modal mobility and encourage behavior shifts. The ideas developed during the workshops will be presented in exhibitions, both online and in the public realm to further build dialogues with the community. The third objective is to develop these exercises, tools, and methods, into an exportable platform. Researchers: Carmela Cucuzzella Anne Cormier Caroline Hatch Zachary Patterson Pierre Gauthier Research Assistants: Morteza Hazbei Amelie Tremblay Sherif Goubran Firdous Nizar Omar Oriz Moraz Mohammad Abdol-rezazadeh Fatemeh Mehrzad | |||
2019/05/02 | Lucie Palombi awarded the first Geneviève Bazin bursary from the rare book department at UdeM | During a ceremony held on April 23, Lucie Palombi was awarded the very first Geneviève-Bazin Fellowship, created to honor the memory of the one who set up what would become the Rare Books Library. and special collections (BLRCS) of the Université de Montréal. A PhD student at the UdeM School of Architecture, Ms. Palombi received this $ 2,000 scholarship because of the importance of the BLRCS documents in her research project as well as for the quality of her work. | |||
2019/04/02 | (Winter 2019) 5 doctoral students at inter university LEAP lab receive a financial support taken on the FRQSC infrastructure grant (2016-2020) | Angie Arsenault (Concordia, dir. Cynthia Hammond), Morteza Hazbei et Aristofanis Soulikias (Concordia, dir. Carmela Cucuzzella), Aurélien Catros et Lucie Palombi (UdeM, dir. Jean-Pierre Chupin). | |||
2019/06/07 | Thesis defense Tiphaine Abenia | Friday, June 7, 2019, at the Research House of the University of Toulouse, Tiphaine Abenia, PhD student in co-supervision between the University of Toulouse (Jean Jaurès) + ENSA Toulouse and the School of Architecture of the University of Toulouse Montreal has defended a thesis entitled: Potential Architecture of the Great Abandoned Structure: Categorization and Projection. Under the chairmanship of Professor isabelle Alzieu (University of Toulouse) and in addition to the thesis supervisors (Daniel Estevez and Jean-Pierre Chupin) the jury was composed of: Dominique Rouillard (Paris-Malaquais rapporteur) and Dieter Dietz (EPFL rapporteur), Pierre Boudon (University of Montreal). | |||
2019/06/19 | A Daniel Arbour and Associates scholarship for Alexandra Paré | Alexandra Paré (Individualized PhD in Architecture) is the winner of the 2018-2019 competition of the Daniel Arbour and Associates Scholarship that promotes innovation and new approaches in environmental design by highlighting the competence of a student enrolled in a program in studies of the Faculty of Environmental design ($ 20,000). | |||
2019/06/20 | Jean-Pierre Chupin holds the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions, and Mediations of Excellence | CANADA RESEARCH CHAIR IN ARCHITECTURE, COMPETITIONS AND MEDIATIONS OF EXCELLENCE
MONTREAL, June 20, 2019 – Canada's science minister Kirsty Duncan announced the April and October 2018 Canada Research Chair Awards, including one in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations for Excellence, granted to Université de Montréal architecture professor Jean-Pierre Chupin. One of the few Tier-1 chairs in Canada dedicated to the study of contemporary architecture, it will help Professor Chupin better define the attributes, parameters and criteria for recognizing quality in architecture and understanding its renewal in current practices. | |||
LUCIE PALOMBI, DOCTORAL STUDENT, RECEIVES TWO PRESTIGIOUS AWARDS | March 28, 2019: Lucie Palombi received the scientific prize, the public prize and the prize for the best summary of the Symposium Perspectives 360 organized by the Association of Higher Cycles of the Faculty of Planning for the presentation of her doctoral project in 6 minutes. The funds were donated by the Ivanhoé Cambridge Observatory. October 25, 2019: On the occasion of the launching ceremony of the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada Festival, Lucie Palombi was awarded a $ 5,000 scholarship for the writing of a 1000-word essay. His text takes the form of a letter to Le Corbusier. She writes that the descriptions of her travel diary inspired her, as did descriptions of North America in the 19th century, Paris in the 20th century, and the gardens of Versailles from various authors she read over the years. years. These readings led her to ask "Can we carve the world with words and paper? The journeys described in places far removed by reading have allowed him to understand that "stories, real or fantasized, give meaning to the most silent places". Jury Comment: The text is intelligent and original in form and content, and is beautifully written. It reveals a new analytical mind, able to contribute to the discipline in thought and action. | ||||
The Concordia IDEAS-BE team presents an interactive installation on the domestic uses of energy | Under the coordination of Professor Carmela Cucuzzella, the IDEAS-BE team (Sherif Goubran, Anghelos Coulon, Gabriel Pena, Firdous Nizar, Aristofanis Soulikias, Morteza Hazbei), presents an interactive installation inviting visitors to estimate their stay at the Espace ESPACE 4 space of Concordia University and the event's framework: NextGenCitieshttps://www.concordia.ca/next-gen/4th-space/themes/next-generation-cities.html
The interactive interface of the installation allows users to control their comfort while learning about their energy consumption. The goal is to create playful and interactive plateforms.
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At the UQAM Design Center, LEAP is supporting the exhibition BETWEEN TWO: AN ARCHITECTURE OF RESONANCE | Louise Pelletier, directrice du Centre de design a invité l’agence Ferrier Marchetti studio à présenter ses projets les plus récents traitant de la sensorialité et de la sensualité dans l’espace urbain. Du 3 octobre au 10 novembre 2019 http://www.centrededesign.com/entre-deux/ Trois membres du LEAP (Georges, Adamczyk, Anne Cormier et Louise Pelletier) participent à la table ronde : Les sens et la ville (Comment les sens contribuent-ils à créer une nouvelle urbanité?) Centre de design de l’UQAM, 30 octobre 2019 à 18h00 | ||||
2019/11/12 | Two LEAP scholars head a special issue of the Journal of Sustainability Research (Open access journal of Hapres) | Deux chercheurs du LEAP dirigent un numéro spécial du Journal of Sustainability Research (Journal en accès libre de Hapres)
Numéro special : "Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design: Alternative Theories for Qualitative Comparisons"
Since the turn of the century, theories and practices of sustainable architecture and urban design have been characterized by increasingly normative grids, such as standards, checklists, certifications, etc. As imperative as these normative grids are for ensuring a certain level of sustainability in the built environment, they may inadvertently avert the virtues of creative design practices to mere risk management exercises.
This is in clear contrast to the pioneering environmental design of the 1960s, when the search for holistic approaches gave rise to a spectrum of methodological experimentations, both in the field of design processes (design methodologies) and environmental studies. The formation of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) in 1968 was an outcome of this search for qualitative as well as quantitative methodologies in the design disciplines. In the 1970s, environmentalism started to shift towards an ecological ideology soon dominated by technical solutions and the search for eco-efficiency. Systematically developed throughout the 1980s and 1990s, this technological emphasis for measurable efficiency started to reveal its limitations. Facing a problematic integration of cultural and social dimensions, this dominant approach founded on the management of eco-performances revealed a counterproductive hyper-technological paradigm for the design disciplines and their theoretical frameworks (Vesely, 2004; Perez-Gomez, 1983).
Numerous scholars now underline that these missing inter-subjective dimensions may be compromising the very idea of a holistic environmentalism in various realms of knowledge and action (Kagan, 2010; McLennan, 2004). Such is the case in the design disciplines, where a series of ethical issues are being identified at varying scales (Fisher, 2008). In the past twenty years, theoretical frameworks have induced or supported the normative rather than systemic methods to sustainable design. The more comparative and qualitative evaluative approaches that have been established in professional practice—design committees, collective judgment, competition juries—are still being overlooked by scholars as the foundation of evaluation and judgment. Furthermore, even if authors have sought to reveal critical theories for these dominant discourses, occurrences have been rare.
We believe it is now time to step back and rethink these dominant paradigms in order to provide new theoretical frameworks and methodologies for sustainable architecture and urban design. This special issue calls for the renewal of theories and hypotheses opening on a broadened evaluative and comparative framework. We welcome papers in the following three themes:
Professor Carmela Cucuzzella
Professor Jean-Pierre Chupin
Guest Editors
sustainable architecture sustainable urban design comparative analysis qualitative-quantitative divide evaluation judgment
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2020 | |||
DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS (New deadline August 1st 2020 for integration January 2021) | La Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence (CRC-ACME) sollicite des candidatures pour des bourses doctorales. Chaque bourse sera accompagnée d’un contrat de recherche et soutiendra une étudiante ou un étudiant dans la réalisation d’un projet de recherche doctorale étroitement lié à la programmation de cette chaire qui se consacre à l’étude de la qualité architecturale au filtre des prix d’excellence et des processus de concours. (https://crc.umontreal.ca)
De façon générale, les propositions de recherche doctorale devront contribuer à l’histoire et à la théorisation des définitions contemporaines de la qualité en architecture. Les propositions de recherches comparatives sont fortement encouragées et devront indiquer comment elles prendront appui sur l’étude conjointe des projets lauréats de concours et de prix d’excellence au Canada (voir Catalogue des Concours Canadienswww.ccc.umontreal.ca et Atlas de l’Excellence en Architecture www.architecture-excellence.org).
La thèse sera dirigée par Jean-Pierre Chupin Ph.D. (https://crc.umontreal.ca/chercheur/jean-pierre-chupin/), dans le cadre du programme de Ph.D. individualisé en architecture à l’Université de Montréal. Une codirection avec une ou un professeur associé à la CRC-ACME (UdeM) pourra être envisagée en fonction des orientations spécifiques du projet de recherche.
Chaque bourse de 15 000$ CAN par année sera octroyée pendant un minimum de deux années et un maximum de quatre années, en fonction des résultats scolaires et scientifiques (publications, conférences, etc.). Ces bourses seront accompagnées de contrats de recherche de la CRC-ACME (au minimum un contrat de 5000$ CAN par année) et, en fonction des fonds disponibles, s’ajouteront des bourses de voyage ou de soutien du Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle (www.leap-architecture.org). Les boursiers pourraient aussi être éligibles aux bourses d’admission, de scolarité et d’excellence, offertes par la Faculté de l’aménagement et par l’Université de Montréal.
Autres conditions et modalités :
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Anne Sabourin, doctoral student at UQAM, receives two doctoral scholarships | Anne Sabourin, doctoral student at UQAM under the supervision of Louise Pelletier, receives the Doctoral Research Scholarship from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture, as well as The Return to Studies Scholarship from the University of Quebec Foundation (FUQ). | ||||
2020/01/17 | Cynthia Hammond is organizing a conference at Concordia University as part of an academic exchange with the Center for Oral History and Digital Narration | Cynthia Hammond is organizing the conference "Incarnated Stories: Gender, Body and Oral History" as part of a university exchange with the COHDS-SOHC Summer Institute, Center for Oral History and Digital Narration, Concordia University, from June 10 to 13 2020. | |||
2020/01/17 | Cynthia Hammond organizes a student conference as part of the exhibition “Feminist Spatial Stories” | Cynthia Hammond is organizing a student conference as part of the exhibition “Feminist Spatial Stories”, at the Center for Oral History, in collaboration with 4th Space, at Concordia University, on March 5 and 6, 2020. | |||
2020/01/23 | Georges Adamczyk organizes an exhibition around Japanese heritage at the UdeM Exhibition Center | As part of his mandate as head of exhibitions of the Faculty of Planning presented annually at the Exhibition Center of the University of Montreal, Georges Adamczyk, offers an exhibition of monuments and sites inscribed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO, photographed by Kazuyoshi Miyoshi. This exhibition is a project supported by the School of Architecture and the School of Town Planning and Landscape Architecture. This is the third exhibition devoted to Japanese architecture, urban planning and the landscape which is presented by Georges Adamczyk at the Exhibition Center of the University of Montreal, three exhibitions produced by the Japan Foundation and which also contributed financial assistance for these projects. In 2014, the exhibition on architectural reconstruction and adaptation after the terrible earthquake of March 2011 was presented. The aim was to take stock of the incredible resilience of the communities hit by this disaster and above all the immediate contribution and imaginative of universities and schools of architecture. Parallel Nipon, Architecture and Urbanism in Japan from 1996 to 2006, presented in 2018, was a remarkable example of the social and environmental directions taken by Japanese architecture after the formalist break of post-modernism. To better understand contemporary architecture in Japan, that of today, especially that of Kengo Kuma and that of Sou Fujimoto, nothing better than to go back to basics. This new exhibition presents 67 photographs of Kazuyoshi Miyoshi. The list of natural and cultural properties of exceptional and universal values of UNESCO world heritage, includes 23 sites and built complexes of Japanese heritage which is immense. 8 ancient built sites, 4 natural sites and the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, 1 of Le Corbusier's 17 buildings, a group spread over 7 countries which marks its contribution to the heritage of modern architecture. This building is not included in the works of photographer Kazuyoshi Miyoshi. A small window is dedicated to him, allowing to discover other architectural photographers: Cemal Emden, Richard Pare and Takashi Homma. The exhibition is also a discreet tribute to André Corboz who signed the preface to the volume on the architecture of Japan in the Universal Architecture collection, published by the Book Office in 1969, when he was a professor at the 'School of Architecture of the University of Montreal. The exhibition runs from January 23 to February 15, 2020. | |||
2020/02/10 | Jean-Pierre Chupin interviewed on the international competition for the national palace in Haiti | In 2017, seven years after the earthquake that destroyed the historic building of the National Palace in Haiti, a major international architecture competition was launched and the winners were announced on January 12, 2020. But some of the contest participants denounce the opacity of the process. Despite the renown of the winning team of Cassandre Méhu, supported by the great British architect David Adjaye, the fact that the Haitian people do not have access to the jury's report and therefore to the issues of qualitative judgment poses many democratic problems. Journalist Widlore Mérancourt, of the online media Ayibopost, a critical platform for popularizing public issues, consulted Jean-Pierre Chupin on certain aspects of this process. For Jean-Pierre Chupin, the communication of the jury's report is essential. "In a competition, the jury literally embodies the company for which we want to design and build the best project There is therefore no reason to hide this or that aspect of the judgment". | |||
2020/02/01 | Carmela Cucuzzella and professors from UQAM, ULaval and the University of Montreal organize a conference for the next ACFAS 2020 | The second edition of the Intersections du design symposium will take place on May 4 and 5, 2020, during the 88th Acfas congress in Sherbrooke. Entitled "Caring through design", it seeks to examine what kind of insight the concept of care can offer to research and practices currently carried out in the design disciplines. Organized over two days, its purpose is to bring together speakers from the different fields of research and practice in design, including researchers and researcher-creators (emerging or confirmed), practitioners and designers (established or at the start of their careers), graduate students. In a spirit of mutual fertilization and diversity, the presentations of the students will be mixed with those of the researchers, researchers-creators and practitioners. This conference is led by a plural organizing committee made up of representatives from four Quebec Schools of Design, associating Concordia University, Laval University, the University of Montreal and the University of Quebec in Montreal. In partnership with the journal Sciences du Design, the research group Design, innovations and humanisms, the research group Design and society, the Interdisciplinary research center in operationalization of sustainable development (CIRODD), the Concordia Integrated Design Research Chair, Ecology And Sustainability for the Built Environment (IDEAS-BE), and the UQAM Research Chair in Design for E-Mental Health (DIAMENT). | |||
2020/02/06 | Anne Cormier represented LEAP at the Ryerson meeting of the Canadian Architecture Forums on Education (CAFÉ) | On February 6, 2020, Anne Cormier represented LEAP at the Sidewalk Labs in Toronto. As part of the Canadian Architectural Forums on Education (CAFE) series, she has participated in various discussions that support the search for a national architectural policy for Canada. | |||
2020/02/20 | Louise Pelletier is co-curator of the exhibition “Concrete in all its forms – Mark West’s architectural experiments” | Louise Pelletier is co-curator of the exhibition "Concrete in all its forms - Mark West's architectural experiments", inaugurated on February 20, 2020. Until April 11, 2020, the Design Center presents visionary and enigmatic drawings concrete constructions by artist and architect Mark West, brought together for the first time in one place. This collection of works imprinted by the surrealist universe brings together works, which go from dreamlike drawing to the design of architectural elements, in an installation where their remarkable unity becomes explicit. These works demonstrate the symbiosis of rational and non-rational thought through methods that explore and discover the poetic potential and the structural intelligence hidden in everyday materials. | |||
2020/02/15 | Jean-Pierre Chupin and David Theodore participated in a round table on the occasion of the launch of the book “Canadian Modern Architecture” | Jean-Pierre Chupin and David Theodore participated in a round table at the launch of the book "Canadian Modern Architecture", January 15, 2020, at the Canadian Center for Architecture. This detailed reference work highlights how architectural practice in Canada has changed since 1967, and how Canadian architects have interpreted international fashions and regional and Aboriginal architectural trends, with a focus on Toronto, Montreal , and Vancouver. The conversation focused on Canadian methods of competition and commissioning in an international context. | |||
2020/04/20 | Cynthia Hammond has been awarded a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant for the project, “La ville extraordinaire: Learning from older Montrealers’ urban knowledge through oral history research-creation” | Working with LEAP team member, Denis Bilodeau and a team of seven other professors and community partners, Cynthia Hammond will be leading a 3-year research-creation project that focuses on the ways in which four different communities of older Montrealers have shaped the city of Montreal over time. | |||
2020/04/20 | Carmela Cucuzzella, Jean-Pierre Chupin, Cynthia Hammond are invited guest editors for a special issue of Sustainability Journal | Carmela Cucuzzella, Jean-Pierre Chupin, Cynthia Hammond are invited guest editors for special issue (upcoming 2021), “Eco-didactic art, design, and architecture in the public realm”, Sustainability Journal (MDPI), special issue, deadline for manuscripts Nov 15, 2020
For more information : www.mdpi.com/journal/ | |||
2020/04/21 | Carmela Cucuzzella and Jean-Pierre Chupin are invited guest editors for a special issue of Journal of Sustainability | Carmela Cucuzzella and Jean-Pierre Chupin are invited guest editors for special issue (upcoming 2020), “Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design: Alternative Theories for Qualitative Comparisons”, Journal of Sustainability Research, special issue, deadline for manuscripts June 30, 2020 | |||
2020/03/30 | Georges Adamczyk and Anne Sabourin led a workshop | Georges Adamczyk, professor at the Université de Montréal and Anne Sabourin, guest professor at the School of Architecture and doctoral student at UQAM under the direction of Louise Pelletier, led a workshop in the third year of the bachelor's degree. This workshop proposed a critical reflection on the question of the architecture program as well as a disciplinary opening towards contemporary dance creation and scenography. | |||
2020/04/02 | Carmela Cucuzzella, Jean-Pierre Chupin and Cynthia Hammond publish an article on their SSHRC-funded research in the journal CITIES | Carmela Cucuzzella, Jean-Pierre Chupin and Cynthia Hammond publish an article on their SSHRC-funded research in the journal CITIES : “Eco-didacticism in art and architecture: Design as means for raising awareness” Cucuzzella, C., Chupin, J.P., Hammond, C., Cities (#102) 2020 | |||
2020/04/21 | Ipek Tureli (McGill University), Carmela Cucuzzella (Concordia University), Jean-Pierre Chupin (Université de Montréal) are participating in the online version of the major annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians | On May 1st, Ipek Tureli (McGill University), Carmela Cucuzzella (Concordia University), Jean-Pierre Chupin (Université de Montréal) are participating in the online version of the major annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians originally scheduled to be held in Seattle in May 2020. Ipek leads the PS25 session: The Campus: Pedagogy and Spatial Imagination, while Jean-Pierre presents in the PS25 session and Carmela in the PS23 session (Urban Affects: A New Materialist Approach to the Global City). | |||
2020/04/08 | Anne Cormier named Fellows this year by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) |
Anne Cormier is one of 31 architects who were named Fellows this year by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC). Source : site de l'IRAC Details : Communiqué de l'IRAC | |||
Paper in CITIES journal in open access till June 10, 2020: Cucuzzella, Chupin, Hammond, “Eco-didacticism in art and architecture: Design as means for raising awareness” | LINK TO PAPER TILL JUNE 10 | ||||
2020/05/01 | LEAP takes part in 27 brainstorming sessions on the determinants of quality in architecture | For three weeks in May 2020, 3 groups of researchers and professionals across Canada participated in 3 brainstorming sessions per week, with 9 Zoom sessions per group, for a total of 27 sessions. This series of remote exchanges is part of both the establishment of a large collaborative and research network on the quality of built environments (AREA) and the design of a digital platform or « Atlas of Excellence in Architecture » capable of supporting long-term research on the understanding and dissemination of best practices in the Canadian context (AEA). This database is decentralized and in open access. Coordination: Jean-Pierre Chupin (Université de Montréal), Terrance Galvin (Laurentian University) Doctoral students and assistants: Mandana Bafghinia, Aurélien Catros, Sherif Goubran, Firdous Nizar, Lucie Palombi, Alexandra Paré, Anne-Lise Belbezet | |||
2020/05/10 | Mandana Bafghinia, doctoral student, receives a Cardinal and Hardy scholarship for her research project | Mandana Bafghinia, doctoral student in architecture under the direction of Jean-Pierre Chupin, receives the Cardinal and Hardy scholarship, valued at $8,000, for the research project "Habiter les toits, dialogue in the shadow of high-rise buildings", attached to the Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence | |||
2020/05/10 | Lucie Palombi, doctoral student, receives a FRQSC scholarship for her research project | Lucie Palombi, individualized doctoral student under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Chupin, receives a doctoral research scholarship from the Fonds de Recherche Société et Culture du Québec, worth $77,000 over 4 years (from 2020 to 2024) for the research project entitled "La mise en compétition de l'écriture en architecture. Herméneutique du texte gagnant et de l'ouvrage primé", attached to the Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence. | |||
2020/06/01 | Carmela Cucuzzella published a new book | Carmela Cucuzzella published a new book, Analyzing Eco-Architecture Beyond Performance, at JFD Editions.
At a time when environmental architecture is proliferating in all its forms around the world, adopting ever more complex sets of tools, this book provides an overview of the state of the field. It provides a critical introduction to the study of environmentalism in architecture. Written especially for students and researchers who work in the field of environmental architecture, this book reveals the spectrum of approaches practiced today.
The text includes:
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2020/05/15 | Louise Pelletier receives a new grant | Louise Pelletier obtains a PAFARC research grant (part 10) on the exhibition of design worth $17,000 for the period 2019-2023 at the Université du Québec à Montréal | |||
2020/07/10 | Carmela Cucuzzella holds the Concordia University Research Chair (CURC) IDEAS-BE | The Concordia University Research Chair (CURC) of Carmela Cucuzzella in IDEAS-BE is renewed from July 2020 to July 2025.
The Concordia University Research Chair in Integrated Design, Ecology And Sustainability for the Built Environment (ideas-be) focuses on the study of design projects and practices for the built environment situated at the crossroads of cultural, social, environmental and economic concerns. It considers sustainability as a paradigm crossing the main disciplines and professions concerned with design for the built environment (urban design, architecture, and landscape). This research program identifies, categorizes and disseminates strategic transformations of sustainable intentions in the design of the urban built environment. Our main objective is to better understand how designers go beyond current injunctions of environmental norms and policies in order to achieve a creative balance between design ethics and aesthetics in their public space projects – a question that has remained largely unaddressed in recent design theory.
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2020/08/01 | A series of summer seminars for IDEAS-BE graduates | The summer seminar series for IDEAS-BE graduates runs from 3 June to 11 August 2020. All IDEAS-BE graduate students present their current publication projects to the team | |||
2020/05/02 | Carmela Cucuzzella and Jean-Pierre Chupin presented a paper for the Society of Architectural Historians 2020 conference | Carmela Cucuzzella and Jean-Pierre Chupin presented a paper entitled "Competitions as a means of alternative development in the city" at the virtual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians 2020 | |||
2020/07/15 | Sherif Goubran appointed as an instructor at the American University in Cairo (AUC-Egypt) | Sherif Goubran, PhD Candidate in the Individualized program working under the supervision of Dr. Carmela Cuccuzzella at Concordia University, will commence his appointment as an instructor at the Department of Architecture at AUC this fall. In his new assignment, he will be teaching and expanding the department's research activities in the area of sustainable and green building design | |||
2020/07/07 | Cynthia Hammond and Ipek Tureli receive new funding | Cynthia Hammond and Ipek Tureli (with Luis Sotelo Castro) were awarded a two-year $71,795 IDG grant for the project "The Spaces of Restorative and Transitional Justice: Architecture, Oral History, and Design" | |||
2020/07/05 | ATLAS OF EXCELLENCE IN ARCHITECTURE (AEA) | More than 2,800 award-winning projects - designed by more than 1,000 architectural, urban planning and landscape architecture firms in Canada - first recorded in an Atlas of Architectural Excellence (AEA) At the initiative of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and the Mediation of Excellence (CRC-ACME), the Atlas of Excellence in Architecture (AEA) is taking shape with the publication of the first historical directory of award-winning projects and achievements. A prototype of a decentralized and collective digital platform, the AEA is intended to gather data on the quality of built environments. In conjunction with the establishment of a research network, it is intended to offer the information necessary for the dissemination, understanding, training and constitution of quality mediation policies and actions aimed at excellence at all levels. The data, information, analyses, comparisons and visualizations that will gradually be delivered on the open access platform will be based on all the award-winning achievements in Canada. Thanks to the coordination of the awarding institutions and professional teams, the general public can already take the measure of the repertoire of best practices in all areas of the built environment. | |||
2020/08/05 | Understanding the Awards of Excellence (Issue 191 of Architecture Québec magazine) : Researchers from LEAP and the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence present some results of their recent work on awards of excellence in all areas of design | This special issue on Awards of Excellence does not introduce new winners or reveal any results that were not previously known. Its purpose is to call for more attention to a phenomenon - the celebration of excellence - on which there is strangely little critical attention. What is to be understood from the plethora of award-winning projects, achievements and practices year after year? Certainly, the images are part of an intense ballet at each local, regional or national award ceremony. Images of architectural excellence, no doubt about it. However, it is necessary to "freeze frame" the images to begin to question the definitions of quality that they are supposed to summarize, symbolize, perhaps measure. The reader who would like to be convinced of the extent of the phenomenon in a few figures can start this issue at the end, as we draw up an unprecedented statistical portrait of it, revealing in particular the exponential increase in the number of organizers and prizes in a decade. Georges Adamczyk first of all proposes to shift the "waiting horizon" from the reception of architects or the public to the interest of the academic world. In fact, he takes award-winning projects as models: "projects that are judged excellent by their peers for their exemplary aesthetic and functional qualities are also potential projects for learning about design and production in architecture". David Theodore places the Quebec awards in a broader Canadian context. While Quebec architects do indeed distinguish themselves in Canada and even abroad, his survey shows that it is certain types of buildings and architectural practices that are distinguished, rather than excellence or the best buildings in general. Paradoxically, he wonders whether the awards really promote good architecture. This is confirmed by Aurélien Catros' reflections on heritage distinctions. The recent history of the categories of excellence in conservation first reveals the fluctuations of the underlying policies. And what could be more up-to-date than a policy for school architecture? On this point, Alexandra Paré's retrospective look shows that school architecture remains a poor relation of awards. She agrees with the conclusions of Theodore and Adamczyk in inviting us to conceive of prices as a true school of architectural quality. The articles by Sherif Goubran and Carmela Cucuzzella question the growing importance of ecological and environmental criteria in contemporary quality recognition. The statistics compiled by Goubran shed light on the multiplication of definitions of sustainability. Cucuzzella's analyses show in detail that certain awards literally force the use of ever more "eco-didactic" visibility. She concludes that awards would not only play a recognition function, they would determine a form of excellence. In essence, this inversion is the game proposed by Lucie Palombi who, by temporarily obliterating the images of the prize-winning projects, wonders what a foreign visitor to three prize-winning libraries might understand by considering only the rare comments of the juries. We'll let you guess. For as long as the lists of prize-winning projects are not accompanied by the reasons, analyses, judging criteria and therefore the jury reports, there is a risk that the prizes will remain nothing more than nice celebrations and not stages in the full and effective recognition of an "architectural quality policy". Editorial: Prices, freeze frame! (Jean-Pierre Chupin, Professor, Université de Montréal) Taking Home the Prize: Distinguishing Québec in Architectural Awards (David Theodore, Professor, McGill University) Three award-winning libraries (the reverse visit) (Lucie Palombi, doctoral student, Université de Montréal) School architecture, the poor relation of prizes (Alexandra Paré, doctoral student, Université de Montréal) Learning from excellence in residential architecture (Georges Adamczyk, Professor, Université de Montréal) Quebec in the Canadian sustainable development awards concert (Sherif Goubran, PhD student, Concordia University) The allegory of heritage through the filter of awards of excellence (Aurélien Catros, doctoral student, Université de Montréal) What is the purpose of architectural awards? (Jean-Pierre Chupin, Professor, Université de Montréal) "Eco-education": Are "green awards" forcing the visibility of green devices? (Carmela Cucuzzella, Professor, Concordia University) | |||
2018/11/16 | Louis Martin and Georges Adamczyk publish Melvin Charney’s important theoretical texts on architecture in Quebec | From 1964 to 1989, Montreal architect and artist Melvin Charney (1935-2012) published some forty essays dealing with the problems confronting contemporary architecture in Quebec and elsewhere, and describing the works he designed in response. This collection makes accessible to French-speaking readers, in revised and often unpublished translations, a selection of these writings that presents the essence of Charney's critical reading of contemporary architecture in Quebec, while exposing the originality of the thinking that nourished his artistic practice. Published during a pivotal period in Quebec's cultural and social history, beginning with the advent of the Quiet Revolution and ending with the first referendum on sovereignty, these documents are a veritable barometer recording the changing climate of an architectural culture in perpetual motion during one of the most turbulent periods in the history of architecture. They also describe the unsuspected contribution of Montreal, Quebec and Canadian architecture to the international debates that marked the transition from late modernity to an uncertain postmodernity. | |||
2016/12/02 | Ipek Tureli holds the Canada Research Chair in Architectures of Spatial Justice | Prof. Ipek Tureli: holds one of the McGill CRCs: the Tier 2 – Canada Research Chair in Architectures of Spatial Justice announced the 2nd of december 2016 by the Canada Science minister Kirsty Duncan. | |||
2020/08/28 | The 5 competitions of the LABécole fully documented exclusively on the CCC | As part of a collaboration with the LABécole organization, the Canadian Competitons Catalogue is the first to deliver all 160 projects submitted in 2019 to the 5 competitions for the construction or expansion of elementary school in Shefford, Rimouski, Gatineau, Maskinongé and Saguenay. The official unveiling of the winners took place on Monday, August 24.
LAB-ÉCOLE | Agrandissement et rénovation de l'école Saint-Joseph à Maskinongé LAB-ÉCOLE | Rénovation et agrandissement de l'école primaire Pierre Elliott Trudeau à Gatineau LAB-ÉCOLE | Construction d'une nouvelle école primaire à Shefford LAB-ÉCOLE | Construction d'une nouvelle école primaire à Rimouski "In 2020, judging by the number of architecture competitions held in Quebec over the past two decades and the number of award-winning buildings, it is easier to find an excellent library than an elementary school worthy of the name. This series of 5 competitions - open and in two phases - organized by the LAB-École organization therefore confronted two contradictory convictions: the certainty that places of schooling forge and shape what we are since early childhood and this conviction, widespread among public decision-makers, that we could basically study and teach anywhere. Particularly well organized by LAB-École, these competitions show, on the contrary, that architecture is not a luxury, but a necessity. For contexts as different as Saguenay, Maskinongé, Rimouski, Gatineau and Shefford, the proposals prove to be rich in reflections demonstrating that the question of primary school remains complex and cannot be circumscribed in models that can be repeated - in blue, wood or aluminum - whatever the context." Thanks to the teams of students from Université de Montréal working on the CCC and to CRC-ACME for this intense digital documentation work. | |||
2020/10/31 | Jean-Pierre Chupin named honorary member of the AAPPQ 2020 | It was at the launch of the 2020 Reference Manual of the Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec (AAPPQ) that the name of the honorary member she has chosen was unveiled, a title granted to a person who contributes to promoting architectural quality and enhancing the importance of architects in society. According to Anne Carrier, President of the AAPPQ, "this title is awarded to a committed individual who, through his or her career, contributes to promoting the architectural quality of the built environment and the importance of architects in society in general. This year, the Board of Directors of the AAPPQ wished to emphasize the importance, for the private practice of architecture, of cooperation with the university community. The contribution of research, based on knowledge, is indeed essential to identify, qualify and define best practices. This year's honorary member has played a pioneering role in researching and documenting the role of competitions as tools for creating and improving quality in architecture. » During this event, the 25 achievements selected by the Reference Manual selection committee were presented. Among them, the Science Complex of the MIL Campus of the Université de Montréal, realized by Menkès Shooner Dagenais Le Tourneux Architectes | Lemay | NFOE, in consortium. | |||
2020/10/19 | Tiphaine Abenia wins the prize of the thesis in co-tutorship 2020 | On October 19, 2020, the Consulate General of France in Quebec City, following the recommendations of the evaluation mission of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and lʼInnovation, designated Tiphaine Abenia as the French winner of the 2020 cotutelle thesis prize. The French and Quebec cotutelle thesis prizes, in the amount of $1,500, will be awarded at the Gala organized by Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir) to be held virtually on December 9. | |||
2020/11/01 | Louis Martin publishes a chapter in the book The Figure of Knowledge: Conditioning Architectural Theory, 1960s-1990s | "It is a major challenge to write the history of post-WWII architectural theory without boiling it down to a few defining paradigms. An impressive anthologising effort during the 1990s charted architectural theory mostly via the various theoretical frameworks employed, such as critical theory, critical regionalism, deconstructivism, and pragmatism. Yet the intellectual contours of what constitutes architectural theory have been constantly in flux. It is therefore paramount to ask what kind of knowledge has become important in the recent history of architectural theory and how the resulting figure of knowledge sets the conditions for the actual arguments made. The contributions in this volume focus on institutional, geographical, rhetorical, and other conditioning factors. They thus screen the unspoken rules of engagement that postwar architectural theory ascribed to." Contributors: Matthew Allen (University of Toronto), Karen Burns (University of Melbourne), Ole W. Fischer (University of Utah), Philip Goad (University of Melbourne), Hilde Heynen (KU Leuven), Rajesh Heynickx (KU Leuven), Paul Holmquist (Louisiana State University), Sandra Kaji-O'Grady (University of Queensland), Peter Lang (Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm), André Loeckx (KU Leuven), Sebastiaan Loosen (KU Leuven), Louis Martin (Université du Québec à Montréal), Joan Ockman (University of Pennsylvania), Carmen Popescu (ENSAB, Rennes), Ricardo Ruivo (Architectural Association, London), Andrew Toland (University of Technology Sydney). | |||
2020/11/01 | New book « Sustainable Architecture – Between Measurement and Meaning » by Carmela Cucuzzella and Sherif Goubran | Carmela Cucuzzella (Concordia University) and Sherif Goubran (American University in Cairo) co-edit a new book, “Sustainable Architecture – Between Measurement and Meaning”. Sustainable Architecture – Between Measurement and Meaning takes a step back to reflect on how sustainability in the built environment can be theorized and practiced critically. This book exposes that architecture remains a human and social science that lies at the intersection of measurements and meanings. It reveals that sustainable architecture can still operate in a dialectic space of expression, rather than serving as a manifesto for either the technical or socio-cultural extremes. It purports that the human intuition, senses, and skills still holds the key to unravelling alternative futures of sustainable built spaces. And that most importantly, humans still have a place in sustainable architecture. It includes chapters from Anne Cormier (Université de Montreal), Nada Tarkhan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)), Tom Jefferies (Queen’s University Belfast), Laura Coucill (Manchester School of Architecture), Izabel Amaral (Laurentian University), Ted Cavanagh (Dalhousie University) | |||
2020/12/10 | Aurélien Catros, doctoral student in architecture, wins the Academy of Architecture Prize for the best paper of the SCAN’20 conference | After evaluating the quality of the research, scientific writing and oral presentation during the two-day conference, the members of the Academy's prize jury selected the winner of the prize for the best paper. This jury was chaired by Paul Quintrand, Former President of the Academy of Architecture. The Academy of Architecture Prize for the best paper of the SCAN'20 conference was awarded to Aurélien Catros, doctoral student in architecture at the Université de Montréal, under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Chupin and Bechara Helal, for his paper entitled: “A categorization of BIM models within scientific models”. | |||
2021/01/30 | An international student competition launched by the Concordia University Chair of Integrated Design, Ecology, and Sustainability for the Built Environment (IDEAS-BE) and the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions, Mediations of Excellence (CRC-ACME) at Université de Montréal | How can design accelerate the transition from the end of the pandemic to a new experience of public transportation?
This design competition is part of a joint research initiative. The Concordia University Chair of Integrated Design, Ecology, and Sustainability for the Built Environment and the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions, Mediations of Excellence at Université de Montréal are working together to mobilize the creativity of young designers of the built environment in order to stimulate debate on the renewed experiences of public transportation for increased urban resiliency.
This 2021 edition is done in collaboration CRE-Montreal and ARTM. The Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal (CRE-Montreal) promotes sustainable development for the City of Montreal. The Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM) is the transportation authority, which plans, funds, and promotes public transit and paratransit services for the Montréal metropolitan area.
This ideas competition seeks to gather:
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2021/03/19 | On the themes of the classroom, the gathering space and the relationship to the context, 3 videos from the CRC-ACME put into debate teams from the 5 competitions organized by LabÉcole for new elementary schools in Quebec | Produced by the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence, this set of 3 videos presents excerpts from 3 roundtables recorded in January and February 2021 with design teams of the projects submitted to the 5 competitions organized by Lab-École. These winning projects, finalists or submitted in the first phase of the competitions for the sites of Saguenay, Shefford, Maskinongé, Rimouski and Gatineau in 2020 were presented in the exhibition Devoirs d'architecture at the Centre de design de l'UQAM from September 2020 to February 2021. The pandemic did not allow the general public to discover these 160 projects for new elementary school in Quebec. These debates allow us to take the measure of the richness of the proposals. 1 - The round table on the theme of The Classroom and Collaborative Spaces presents different physical and spatial devices imagined by Quebec architects to rethink spaces dedicated to teaching and learning. - Panelists : Étienne Bernier, Christian Bisson, Jean-Pierre Chupin, Andréanne Dumont, Jérôme Duval, Bechara Helal, Sergio Morales, Alexandra Paré, Hubert Pelletier, Nathaniel Proulx Joannisse - Special thanks to Bechara Helal - Organization: Jean-Pierre Chupin and Alexandra Paré - Video editing : Julien Bouthillier - The organizers thank the three main partners of the exhibition: Lab-École, Centre de design de l'UQAM, Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle 2021 - Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence (www.crc.umontreal.ca) 2 - The round table on the theme of The Gathering Space presents a few variations and the dilemmas faced by the design teams become evident. Between spaces dedicated to very specific activities and "all-purpose spaces", architects must harmonize proposals. The versatility of spatial devices has its qualities, but it can quickly demonstrate its limitations. - Panelists: Randy Cohen, Katarina Cernacek, Jean-Pierre Chupin, Virginie LaSalle, Marie-Hélène Nollet, Alexandra Paré, Charles Laurence Proulx, Geneviève Riopel - Special thanks to Virginie LaSalle - Organization: Jean-Pierre Chupin and Alexandra Paré - Video editing : Julien Bouthillier - The organizers thank the three main partners of the exhibition: Lab-École, Centre de design de l'UQAM, Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle 2021 - Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence (www.crc.umontreal.ca) 3 - The roundtable on the theme of The School and its Context shows that a standard cannot satisfy the complexity and richness of a given site, and even more so that architectural programs need to be always adapted to their context. - Panelists: Philippe Ashby, Martin Brière, Jean-Pierre Chupin, Thomas-Bernard Kenniff, Guillaume Marcoux, Catherine Milanese, Lucie Paquet, Jessy Paquet-Methot, Alexandra Paré - Organization: Jean-Pierre Chupin and Alexandra Paré - Video editing : Julien Bouthillier - Special thanks to Thomas-Bernard Kenniff - The organizers thank the three main partners of the exhibition: Lab-École, Centre de design de l'UQAM, Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle 2021 - Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence (www.crc.umontreal.ca) TO ACCESS THE 3 VIDEOS: https://vimeo.com/showcase/7619270 | |||
2021/03/18 | Lucie Palombi, PhD student, participates in a conversation with Phyllis Lambert and Joseph Hillel about the documentary “City Dreamers” |
For this 3rd online edition of Docu-conferences, the Université de Montréal Alumni and Donors Network is proud to welcome director Joseph Hillel, a graduate of the Faculty of Continuing Education, as well as two special guests: architect emeritus Phyllis Lambert and doctoral student Lucie Palombi, from the Université de Montréal's Faculty of Planning.
The documentary Rêveuses de villes takes us to the heart of our urban environments in perpetual metamorphosis to meet four exceptional architects, exemplary women, pioneers who - for decades - have been working, observing and shaping the city of today and tomorrow.
When: Thursday, March 25, 202, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Online activity, via Zoom.
Course of the evening:
5:30 p.m. | Welcome and opening remarks before the screening
5:35 p.m. | Screening of the documentary Dreamers of Cities
18 h 55 | Intermission
6:58 p.m. | Exchange and discussion with invited speakers
19 h 25 | Public question period (30 min)
19 h 55 | Thanks and closing remarks
20 h 00 | End of the event
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Aurélien Catros, PhD student at CRC-ACME, publishes an article on reconstructive game models | Aurélien Catros and Maxime Leblanc jointly wrote a paper on reconstructive game models. Their research was based on a comparison between the video game Assassin's Creed III and a 1775 map of Boston, with the goal of determining how closely historical cities are reproduced in video games. The pair are both doctoral students in Architecture. Their research will have highlighted the fact that a feeling of verisimilitude is achieved not through complete accuracy but through specific combinations of sufficiently accurate historic elements. Aurélien Catros is studying at the Université de Montréal, while Maxime Leblanc is studying at McGill University. If you wish to access this publication, it is available free of charge on the CRC-ACME website's open access publications page. | ||||
A new article in the journal “Sustainability” about architectural education strategies (AES) in sustainable buildings for learning environments in Canada | Jean-Pierre Chupin, Morteza Hazbei and Karl-Antoine Pelchat wrote an article in the journal Sustainability (2021, 3, 8166) about architectural education strategies (AES) in sustainable buildings. Their research led them to conclude that there are three strategies for architectural education in buildings designed to disseminate knowledge in the field of sustainable architecture in Canada; the labeling approach, the experiential approach, and the iconic method. Architects are convinced that architectural communication forms can be used as a language accessible to non-experts. Future research may therefore challenge the very possibility of teaching through formal language and aesthetic features. | ||||
All Canadian Architect awards since 1968 on one map | Wednesday, August 25, 2021. The Atlas of Research on Exemplarity in Architecture and the Built Environment, in collaboration with Canadian Architect magazine, presents all the projects, buildings and places awarded since 1968 on a single interactive map and in a visual gallery of over 500 items. A new classification system by typological categories allows for more precise queries in the database. A table of "unlocated items" collects cases that cannot appear on the map because they are private residences or unbuilt award-winning projects by students. This corpus was compiled in coordination with Elsa Lam, chief editor of Canadian Architect magazine, and the data was collected by the team of M.Arch. students led by Lucas Ouellet at the Université de Montréal: Charles Cauchon and Anna Zakharova. The realization of this map and the entry of data in the AREA system is funded by the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence directed by Jean-Pierre Chupin (https://crc.umontreal.ca/en/ ), as well as by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). For direct access to the map of Canadian Architect magazine list of awards since 1968: https://architecture-excellence.org/canadian-architect-map/ To access directly to the visual gallery: https://architecture-excellence.org/canadian-architect/[vc_single_image image="23584" img_size="medium" onclick="custom_link" link="https://architecture-excellence.org/canadian-architect-map/"]Jean-Pierre Chupin, PhD, MOAQ, MIRAC Professor, Université de Montréal, School of Architecture Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence https://crc.umontreal.ca/en/ | ||||
Aurélien Catros wins the Ray Lifchez Berkeley Prize of IASTE with his paper on reconstructive game models | The article “When Boston Isn’t Boston: Useful Lies of Reconstructive Game Models” won the Ray Lifchez Berkeley Prize of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) for the best article written by students or junior researchers. The authors, Aurélien Catros and Maxime Leblanc, are respectively an individualized doctoral candidate in Architecture at the Université de Montréal under the direction of Jean-Pierre Chupin and Bechara Helal, and a doctoral student at McGill University under the direction of Theodora Vardouli. First organized in 1988 in Berkeley, USA, the 2021 “Virtual Tradition” edition of this biennial international conference was hosted by Nottingham Trent University, UK, and held online from August 31 to September 3. This year it brought together over 120 scholars and practitioners from many fields of study (architecture, architectural history, art history, anthropology, archaeology, conservation, geography, history, planning, sociology, etc.) around the 3 themes: Theorizing the Virtual and the Traditional in the Built Environment; The Socio-Spatial Traditions of Everyday Life in Changing Landscapes; and Tradition, Space, and Professional Practice in the Built Environment at Times of Transition. The winning paper, published in the peer-reviewed journal Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, uses qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to infer the origin of verisimilitude of models used in video games that simulate historic cities. Drawing on Kevin Lynch’s concept of imageability, he specifically examines the similarities and differences between a 1775 military map of Boston and the model of the same city presented in Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed III game. By comparing the monuments, roads, nodes, boundaries, and neighborhoods of the game model to the information recorded on the historical map, he demonstrates that a sense of verisimilitude is achieved not by total accuracy, but by specific combinations of sufficiently precise historical elements. The article is available in open access on the Laboratory for the study of potential architecture website. | ||||
A mosaic gathering all the LEAP assistants | Many assistants contribute to the smooth running of the Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle. The team brings together students from four different universities in Montreal. These are; Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, McGill University and Concordia University. | ||||
How to make the waiting for the bus more attractive and generate more community interest? New open access book | The international student competition inviting creative ways to renew the appeal of public transport during a global health crisis is now the subject of a book. It is available for free access today.
Reimagining Waiting for the Bus is an open access book edited by Carmela Cucuzzella, Jean-Pierre Chupin, Emmanuel Rondia and Sherif Goubran and published by Potential Architecture Books (Montreal, 2021).
This creative guide, the result of an international competition, is a synthesis of the best ideas in the form of a free resource aimed at stimulating citizen discussion and community group engagement around the improvement of small urban environments connected to bus stops.
This richly illustrated, educational guide presents ideas that encourage appreciation of urban spaces by emphasizing the importance of nature, art and design. Reimagining Waiting for the Bus invites citizens to think about creative approaches, neighborhood by neighborhood, bus stop by bus stop, that would energize these public spaces in an interactive, poetic, critical and meaningful way: shifting the immediate environment of bus stops from a merely functional spatiality to a multi-purpose spatiality.
This is not about redesigning the bus shelter, but about making waiting for the bus more pleasant, in various ways, encouraging citizens to use the bus instead of their car, all year round, including during hot summer days and long periods of freezing winter.
The ideas extracted from projects from many countries are not presented as solutions but as illustrated principles gathered in 5 vectors going from culture to social dimensions, from ecological concerns to technological innovations and, in general, to everything that can increase the feeling of well-being.
The result of a research and creation process, this guide aims to encourage citizens to take hold of these often neglected spaces in which waiting should be given all the attention necessary to enhance public transport.
Reference:Cucuzzella, C., Chupin J.-P., Rondia, E., Goubran, S., (2021), Reimagining Waiting for the Bus, Montréal, Potential Architecture Books, 139 pages. ISBN 9781988962054 | ||||
Announcement of the 5 winning teams of the international student competition launched by IDEAS-BE and CRC-ACME | 81 teams of students from 16 countries and 4 continents participated in this ideas competition which asked for new ways to encourage and renew the experience of public transport in the wake of a global sanitary crisis. How can we open up avenues for redefining an enhanced relationship to urbanity through the sharing of public spaces? The jury chose to reward 5 projects and gave 2 honorary mentions for exemplary ways of reimagining the experience of public transportation in a post-pandemic metropolis.
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All Governor General’s Medals in Architecture in Canada gathered on a map and a visual gallery | Wednesday, October 27, 2021. The Atlas of Research on Exemplarity in Architecture and the Built Environment, in collaboration with the Canada Council for the Arts and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, presents all buildings and places recipient of a Governor General Medal in Architecture since 1982 on a single interactive map and in a visual gallery of over 250 items. A new classification system by typological categories allows for more precise queries in the database. A table of "unlocated items" collects cases that cannot appear on the map because they are private residences. The realization of this map and the entry of data in the AREA system is funded by the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence directed by Jean-Pierre Chupin (https://crc.umontreal.ca/en/ ), as well as by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). This corpus was collected by the team of M.Arch. students coordinated by Lucas Ouellet at the Université de Montréal: Charles Cauchon and Anna Zakharova.For direct access to the map of all Governor General Medals in architecture since 1982:For direct access to the visual gallery: | ||||
Between experimentation and standardization: Architects and engineers in search of solutions | On Friday, December 3, 2021, Bechara Helal, Professor of Architecture at the Université de Montréal, organized a study day at the UQÀM Design Center. The event was sold out in 'face-to-face' format, but it was also possible to attend it via Zoom (a registration was required).
The event's details are available on this link.
This study day was presented in the context of the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi master designer-builder which continues until February 6, 2022.
9:00 a.m.: Welcome
9:30 a.m.: "Building correctly": Pier Luigi Nervi and the intersecting dynamics of design and research in construction
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Post-Covid Architecture: A Latourian Perspective | Public conference organized by the Canada Research Chair in Competitive Architecture and Mediations of Excellence (CRC-ACME) and the inter-university team of the Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle (LEAP) Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 5:45 PM in Amphitheatre 3110 of the Faculté de l'aménagement, Université de Montréal Albena Yaneva, Professor of Architectural Theory, University of Manchester Director of the Manchester Architecture Research Group , Manchester Urban Institute Recent books : The New Architecture of Science: Learning from Graphene. Singapore: World Scientific Crafting History: Archiving and the Quest for Architectural Legacy, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. Forthcoming: Latour for Architects (Thinkers for Architects), London: Routledge. Architecture after Covid, London: Bloomsbury Publishing. Presentation by : Jean-Pierre Chupin, CRC-ACME Full Professor, Coordinator of the Laboratory for the Study of Potential Architecture. Information: jean-pierre.chupin@umontreal.ca CRC-ACME: www.crc.umontreal.ca LEAP: www.leap-architecture.org | ||||
IDEAS-BE: Weekly graduate seminar led by Dr. Albena Yaneva | This seminar will be held by Albena Yaneva, Professor of Architectural Theory at the University of Manchester and Director of the Manchester Architecture Research Group . Date and time: April 6, 2022 from 2:30 to 6:00 pm. Held at: Next Generation Cities Institute, 2155 Rue Guy, 14th floor, Montreal, Quebec. Presenting PhD Students and Candidates: Morteza Hazbei, PhD student, INDI Program, Concordia University Measuring the unmeasurable: A proposal for parameterizing urban and architectural qualities. Aristofanis Soulikias, PhD student, INDI Program, Concordia University A Touch of Place: Feeling and expressing the city through handmade film animation. Fatemeh Mehrzad, PhD student, INDI Program, Concordia University Social media as a means of exchange to influence, collect and enable social values for urban regeneration. Moh Abdolreza, PhD student, INDI Program, Concordia University Where is Homeless? When is Homeless? Time-space analysis of OECD definitions of Homelessness. Aurélien Catros, PhD candidate in architecture, Université de Montréal Thinking through models: The phenomenon of projection in architectural design processes. Lucie Palombi, Ph.D. candidate in architecture, Université de Montréal L'architecte en concours, un écrivain ou un écrivant ? In discussion with : Dr. Jean-Pierre Chupin, Professor, School of Architecture, Université de Montréal Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence Dr. Carmela Cucuzzella, Professor, Design and Digital Arts, Concordia University Concordia University Research Chair in Integrated Design and Sustainability for the Built Environment (IDEAS-BE), Co-Director and Founder, Next Generation Cities Institute (NCGI) Event organized by: Concordia University Research Chair in Integrated Design Ecology and Sustainability for the Built Environment (IDEAS-BE). | ||||
Block 2 design competition | Hello,
The Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence having had the honor of being associated with the preparation and implementation of this historic competition, I am pleased to extend to you this invitation to the public presentations of the 6 internationally renowned teams that will take place online on April 11, 2022.
Jean-Pierre Chupin
http://crc.umontreal.caIn May 2021, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) launched an architectural design competition to redevelop Block 2, a full city block directly opposite Canada’s parliament buildings, just south of Parliament Hill.
The renewal of Block 2 is a critical piece of PSPC’s Long Term Vision and Plan for the Parliamentary Precinct. The design competition ensures that the final design for this city block brings forward new vitality to a significant part of Confederation Boulevard. The goal is to transform this mix of buildings into an innovative complex that will meet the needs of Parliament and the public now and into the future.
On April 11, the six design team finalists will present their design concepts for Block 2 through a virtual public presentation. We would be grateful if you would share the invitation below about the public presentation with your networks.Few sites carry the significance of Block 2, a full city block directly opposite Canada’s parliament buildings, just south of Parliament Hill. To the north, it faces the Centre Block and its Peace Tower.
The renewal of Block 2 is a critical piece of PSPC’s Long Term Vision and Plan (LTVP) for the Parliamentary Precinct. The design competition, launched in spring 2021, ensures that the final design for this city block brings forward new vitality to a significant part of Confederation Boulevard. The goal is to transform this mix of buildings into an innovative complex that will meet the needs of Parliament and the public now and into the future.
Join us to hear the competitors speak to their vision for this prominent space in Canada’s capital. The six finalist design teams will present their design concepts for Block 2.
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The Rise of Awards in Architecture, a new book edited by Chupin, Cucuzzella and Adamczyk | This book is the first scientific study to focus on awards in architecture and the built environment investigating their exponential growth since the 1980s. The celebration of excellence in architecture and related fields remains a phenomenon on which there is strangely little scientific scrutiny. It is now necessary to take a critical distance to question what awards are meant to embody, symbolize, and perhaps measure. Each of the 10 chapters in this volume is centered on one question related to themes as varied as the comparison of Pritzker and Nobel Prizes, the Prix de Rome, the redefinition of quality through awards, green awards and sustainability, the multiplication of sustainable awards, heritage awards, architecture book awards, the awarding of school architecture, awards as mediations and awards as pedagogical devices.
PraiseThis book offers an in-depth analysis of the widespread practice of acknowledging the quality of architecture works with prizes, awards, and project competitions given to individuals, collective works, and constructions. This timely study considers a contemporary culture of recognition that is largely taken for granted and not yet grasped as a global and rising phenomenon that has seen exponential growth since the 1980s. The contributors thus address the controversies, ambiguities, and shortcomings surrounding this context, including issues of gender biases, cultural diversity, transparency, and how media, politics, and financial prizes impact architectural awards. The authors provide scholarly insights that cannot be found elsewhere, proving a timely contribution to knowledge that will further our understanding of the context in which contemporary architecture practices operate. Federica Goffi, Ph.D., School of Architecture (Carleton University) This book raises, in quite a healthy and rational fashion, the vexed question of the judgment of quality in the arts, lifting the lid on the very human and sometimes unseemly tendency to favor winners and follow the money, while yet allowing some hope for continuing development of mechanisms that permit valid judgments, promote genuine quality, and encourage current and future practitioners. This is an unusually balanced point of view. This is a useful guide to understanding how things have worked and to acting intelligently to make things fairer. David Vanderburgh, Ph.D., Laboratory of Architecture and the Built Environment (Université catholique de Louvain)Authors and EditorsJean-Pierre Chupin, Carmela Cucuzzella, Georges Adamczyk (Eds.) by Dana Buntrock (University of California, Berkeley) | ||||
The FRQSC renews LEAP’s team subvention until 2027 | The project, entitled Potentials of Architectural Quality: Equity, Sustainability and Cultural Openness, will have Jean-Pierre Chupin (Ph. D.) as team coordinator. The amount of the subvention granted to the LEAP by the FRQSC (support to research teams/university renewal) for this project is $423,420 and will be spread over a 4-year period, thus until 2027!
For 2022-2027, the programming of the Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle is based on three research chairs to address a central issue that directly impacts the daily lives of millions of citizens: the quality of built environments.
The program of the Potentials of Architectural Quality: Equity, Sustainability and Cultural Openness project is based on three axes:
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The CRC-ACME coordinates a major research partnership funded by the SSHRC | Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada until 2027, a major research partnership on quality in the built environment brings together - for the first time - 14 universities, 70 researchers and 68 public and private organizations at the municipal, provincial and national levels.
The total value of this partnership will be $8.6M ($2.5M from SSHRC, $6.1M from partners including $4.2M in-kind contributions). Such an investment confirms the commitment of all partners and the importance of the collaborative process.
The partnership will stimulate a vital dialog demonstrating how those active in considering and creating the built environment across Canada can contribute to a redefinition of quality that moves us to heightened equity, more social value and greater sustainability at a critical moment for our societies and for our planet.
Coordinated, from the University of Montreal, by the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence (CRC-ACME), the partnership Quality in Canada’s Built Environment: Roadmaps to Equity, Social Value and Sustainability addresses the diversity of public environments impacting the everyday life of millions of Canadians in urban spaces, buildings and landscapes.
The program has three aims:
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Two grants awarded to Aurélien Catros, Ph.D. candidate at UdeM | Under the supervision of professors Jean-Pierre Chupin and Bechara Helal in the Individualized Doctoral Program in Architecture, Aurélien Catros has received two prestigious grants for his thesis:
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Two CRC-ACME doctoral grants for Paloma Castonguay-Rufino and Shantanu Biswas-Linkon | Two grants to support two doctoral students of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence: Paloma Castonguay-Rufino and Shantanu Biswas-Linkon. These two $12,000 scholarships are awarded by the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence for the quality of their academic record. Paloma Castonguay-Rufino is working on a redefinition of the notion of "industrial heritage" in the Canadian context, while Shantanu Biswas-Linkon is studying the notion of "social value" (Re-evaluating the Social Value of Architecture in the Public Realms through Inclusiveness and Environmental Justice). | ||||
Video of the roundtable: What is an architecture award worth? | This debate was organized at the BAnQ's National Archives in Montreal (535 Viger Avenue East) on November 24, 2022.
Once a symbol of excellence and exception, architecture and design awards, which aim to reward achievements, have multiplied exponentially in recent years. We no longer count the number of companies, associations, municipalities and specialized publications that have set up their own awards, many of which have greatly multiplied their categories over the years. The situation is such that we can now speak of a veritable awards "industry", both in Quebec and internationally.
In this context, we may wonder about the value of these awards. Do they always reward excellence? Do the entries focus excessively on aesthetics, or even the "Instagrammable" side of architecture, rather than on the public experience? Why do architectural firms feel the need to participate? How can we ensure the real value of an architecture award?[vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/700520935" align="center"]The event was organized by Kollectif, in partnership with Jean-Pierre Chupin, Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence (Université de Montréal) and co-editor of the collective book The Rise of Awards in Architecture (Vernon Press, 2022) with Carmela Cucuzzella and Georges Adamczyk.Presenter: Marc-André Carignan, Content Manager for Kollectif
Moderator: Jean-Pierre Chupin, Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence, Université de Montréal
Our panelists:
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Conference-debate on the history of architecture schools in France and Quebec | Date: January 31, 2023, 5:30 pm.
Location: Amphitheatre 1120, Faculté de l'aménagement, Université de Montréal.
On the occasion of the publication in 2022 of L'architecture en ses écoles, une encyclopédie, we welcome Daniel Le Couédic, architect and historian, professor at the University of Western Brittany, and co-director of the book. Around Lucie K. Morisset, professor at UQAM and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage, this conference-debate will also bring together two Quebec contributors to the encyclopedia, François Giraldeau, honorary professor at UQAM's School of Design, and Jean-Pierre Chupin, professor at UdeM's School of Architecture and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediation of Excellence,
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A new LEAP seminar: “Material Cultures through the filter of the Cecobois and Woodworks Awards” by Izabel Amaral. March 16, 2023. |
A seminar presented by Izabel Amaral (UdeM) around a SSHRC Insight Development Grant: (in collaboration with Carmela Cucuzzella (Concordia) and Jean-Pierre Chupin (UdeM) An Ecology of Wood Cultures in Canada (20032020): comparing constructive cultures through awarded architectural designs At the intersection of architectural theory and cultural studies, this research investigates wood architecture as a symbolic universe that allows us to study the presence of nature in human culture. This research will theorize the diversity of expressions of quality in Canadian architecture, from the standpoint of environmental preoccupation, building culture and architectural expression. Considering wood architecture as a form of “cultural ecology”, it has the potential to reveal how Canadian cultures represent and symbolize their relations to the land and natural resources, as well as the cultures of its founding peoples. Notwithstanding the interest in wood as a major alternative to fossil fuelbased construction materials, this research will highlight the symbolic spectrum of wood buildings, which ranges from local and indigenous traditions to ecological aesthetics, representing forms of making that rely both on traditional architectural practice or recent building technologies and computeraided design. We aim to better interpret and understand how advancements in architectural practice and building techniques affect the way architecture is envisioned and materialized in Canada during the past decades. In parallel to studying the influence of environmental considerations to architectural forms in Canada, we will make sense of a dissonance within the theory of architecture between ideas about the interdependency or autonomy of architectural form (visual appearance), material (what it is made of) and meaning (messages and ideals expressed). | ||||
Students from Concordia, UdeM and Calgary participate in the Accessibility Professional Network 2023 (RHF) National Forum |
From left to right: Catherine Gauthier (MArch, Université de Montréal), Morteza Hazbei (PhD candidate, Concordia University), Jean-Pierre Chupin (UdeM), Doramy Ehling (CEO, Rick Hansen Foundation), Marco Pasqua (Rick Hansen Foundation), Nooshin Esmaeili (UCalgary) On March 1-2, 2023, several student members of the SSHRC Quality Partnership were invited to participate in person or online in the annual APN2023 Building Together Symposium, which brought together industry leaders, accessibility professionals, and global thought leaders to discuss how we can continue to build an inclusive and accessible world for people of all ages and abilities. (On March 1-2, 2023, several student members of the SSRC Quality Partnership were invited to participate in person or online in the annual APN2023 Building Together Symposium, which brought together industry leaders, accessibility professionals, and global thought leaders to discuss how we can continue to build an inclusive and accessible world for people of all ages and abilities. Accessibility Professional Network 2023. | ||||
Virginie LaSalle and Jean-Pierre Chupin present neuroarchitecture in La Presse | On the occasion of accessibility week at the Senate, La Presse echoes the research coordinated by researchers from the Université de Montréal who are members of LEAP and the SSHRC partnership on quality. Click here to read the article. | ||||
2023/08/29 | Journée d’étude du LEAP : À quoi sert la maquette en architecture? |
Date : Le 29 août 2023, 8h30 à 17h30
Lieu : Salle 1150, Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal.
Organisation : Denis Bilodeau et Virginie LaSalle
La journée d’étude du LEAP qui pose la question À quoi sert la maquette en architecture? se présente comme une exploration initiale du thème et de son potentiel appréhendé depuis de multiples perspectives. Lors de cette rencontre les intervenants sont invités à présenter leurs réflexions et leurs recherches sous la forme de brefs exposés (15 minutes) portant sur des situations ou des cas précis d’utilisation de la maquette dans différents contextes, professionnels, artistiques, pédagogiques ou autres. Cette journée d’étude vise à ouvrir un champ d’investigation multidisciplinaire sur une pratique commune dont les dimensions cognitives, culturelles et communicationnelles restent encore à élucider. Trois tables rondes de 1h30 chacune proposent, selon des thèmes généraux qui se rencontrent et s’entrecroisent, des pistes de réponse à la question titre de la journée.
Déroulement de la journée :
8h30-9h Arrivée et installation
9h-10h30 Table 1 : SIMULER ET APPRENDRE
• Bechara Helal
• Anne Cormier et Paloma Castonguay-Rufino
• Maurilio Lima Lobato
• Izabel Amaral
Répondante lors de la discussion : Lucie Palombi
• Georges Adamczyk
• Ipek Tureli
• Virginie LaSalle et Victorian Thibault-Malo
• Morteza Hazbei et Carmela Cucuzzella
Répondant lors de la discussion: Maurilio Lima Lobato
12h30-14h Pause dîner
14h-15h30 Table 3 : PENSER ET COMPRENDRE
• Denis Bilodeau
• Aurelien Catros
• Jean-Pierre Chupin et Joelle Tétreault
• Louis Martin
Répondante lors de la discussion : Paloma Castonguay-Rufino
16h-17h30 Discussion ouverte (participants et auditoire)
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2023/11/11 | Conférence publique présentée par le LEAP : Maya Cousineau Mollen, Innu québécoise et l’architecture à l’ère de la décolonisation | Date : Le 11 novembre, 2023 à 17h30 Lieu : Amphithéâtre 1120, Faculté de l'aménagement de l'Université de Montréal | |||
2023/10/19 | Exposition et symposium : Conception pour la majorité mondiale |
Événement 1
Titre : « Mille millions de clients » Discours par Vikram Bhatt (McGill) en conversation avec Ipek Türeli (McGill) et Carmela Cucuzzella (UdeM)
Date : Jeudi 19 octobre, 2023
Heure : Vernissage à 17h00 (salle 114) suivi de la conférence à 18h00 (salle G-10)
Lieu : École Peter Guo-hua Fu École d’architecture Peter Guo-hua Fu, édifice Macdonald-Harrington, 815, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal (Québec) H3A OC2
Description : Cet événement fait partie du projet Conception pour la majorité mondiale. Le vernissage de l’exposition sera suivi d’un discours de Vikram Bhatt, professeur émérite à l’Université McGill et ancien directeur du MCHG, et d’une conversation avec Ipek Türeli, professeure associée et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les architectures de justice spatiale à l’Université McGill, et Carmela Cucuzzella, doyenne de la Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal.
Événement 2
Titre : Symposium « Conception pour la majorité mondiale »
Date : Vendredi 20 octobre, 2023
Heure : 9h00 à 16h00
Lieu : Maison Thomson, 3e étage, 3650, rue McTavish, Montréal, Québec H3A 1Y2
Description de l’événement : Cet événement fait partie du projet Conception pour la majorité mondiale. Symposium international avec des présentations présentations d’anciens élèves et d’universitaires de MCHG.
Événement 3
Titre : « Le vert avant le vert » Discours de clôture par Witold Rybczynski (UPenn)
Date : Vendredi 20 octobre, 2023
Heure : 18h00
Lieu : Faculté de droit, New Chancellor Day Hall (salle 100), 3644 rue Peel, Montréal, Québec H3A 1W9
Description : Cet événement fait partie du projet Conception pour la majorité mondiale. Discours de clôture par Witold Rybczynski, professeur émérite d’urbanisme Martin et Margy Meyerson, Université de Pennsylvanie, et ancien directeur du MCHG.
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2023/09/09 | Jean-Pierre Chupin dénonce la confusion entre sondage en ligne et concours de projets dans une lettre ouverte relayée par La Presse, TVA et Kollectif | « Sondage versus concours : simulacre et démocratie » – Lettre ouverte co-signée par Jean-Pierre Chupin et Jacques White à propos de l’annulation du concours du Monument commémoratif national de la mission du Canada en Afghanistan. Quand il s’agit de juger des projets d’art ou d’architecture, un sondage en ligne est un « simulacre de démocratie » qui ne peut remplacer ni un concours de design ni un vrai jury! Condamnant vigoureusement des élections organisées par la Russie dans les territoires occupés de l’Ukraine, le Premier ministre Justin Trudeau a récemment déclaré haut et fort que ces procédures constituaient un « simulacre d’élections ». En annulant un résultat de concours pour un monument aux vétérans, et en le remplaçant par un sondage en ligne, son gouvernement s’est quant à lui dangereusement égaré dans un simulacre de démocratie sur lequel il faut aujourd’hui réfléchir pour mieux réagir et surtout éviter qu’il ne se reproduise. Rappelons tout d’abord que les milieux de l’art, de l’architecture et du design ne décolèrent pas depuis l’annonce, le 19 juin dernier, de l’annulation du résultat du concours pour le monument commémoratif de la mission du Canada en Afghanistan. Cette frustration apparaît d’autant plus légitime que le renversement du choix du jury s’est fait sur la seule base d’un sondage en ligne propice aux confusions de toutes sortes. Affirmant vouloir donner la parole aux vétérans, chose honorable s’il en est, le gouvernement fédéral a décrédibilisé la décision du jury d’un concours de design, sacrifiant au passage un principe fondamental de notre démocratie : le respect d’un jugement collectif qualitatif porté par un jury représentatif, impartial et informé… Lire la suite sur le site de Kollectif Dans la presse : Voir l’article sur TVA nouvelles, d’Anne-Caroline Desplanques Voir l’article sur Radio Canada, d’Erik Chouinard Voir l’article dans La Presse | |||
2023/09/28 | Conférence de Carmela Cucuzzella : Le design au croisement de la durabilité, du didactisme et de l’accessibilité | Date : Le jeudi 28 septembre, 2023 à 12h15-13h15 Lieu : Salle 1150, Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal[vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/876408828?share=copy"] | |||
2023/10/19 | Lucie Palombi est lauréate d’une bourse doctorale de la Fondation de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) d’une valeur de 12 500 $ | Le jury chargé d’évaluer les candidatures de doctorat soumises dans le cadre du concours de bourses 2023-2024, formé de professeurs d’universités québécoises et de spécialistes de BAnQ, a attribué à Lucie Palombi une bourse doctorale de 12 500 $ pour son projet intitulé « Textualité et projet en architecture – Approche interprétative et comparative d'écrits rédigés par des architectes québécois ». Lucie effectue sa thèse dans le programme de doctorat individualisé en architecture sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin. La candidature de Lucie Palombi à l’occasion de ce concours a reçu une recommandation de Mme Phyllis Lambert, fondatrice du Centre Canadien d’Architecture. À BAnQ Vieux-Montréal, Lucie étudie le fonds de l’architecte et écrivain québécois Jacques Folch-Ribas, lauréat de nombreux prix littéraires. Elle analyse notamment ses correspondances avec de grands noms du monde de la littérature et de l’édition (Marguerite Yourcenar, Hervé Bazin, Jean Cayrol, Michèle Lalonde ou encore Robert Laffont) et questionne les critères qui font basculer un architecte du statut d’« écrivant » à celui d’écrivain. | |||
2023/11/06 | Séminaire présenté par Claire Petetin : SocialMachine, les outils conviviaux d’aides à la conception participative | Date : Le 6 novembre 2023, de 16h30 à 18h00 Lieu : Salle 2064, Faculté de l'aménagement, Université de Montréal Séminaire présenté par Claire Petetin, professeure à l'ENSA Versailles SocialMachine, les outils conviviaux d’aides à la conception participative Social Machine est un projet d’enseignement et de recherche expérimental, interdisciplinaire et multiscalaire, motivé par la vocation de former des architectes et des designers à la pédagogie du projet d’architecture à destination de la société civile. Cet enseignement s’inscrit dans les enjeux de la démocratisation de la culture architecturale. Il interroge le savoir-faire de l’architecte dans une société marquée par les crises systémiques, qui met l’architecte à l’épreuve de la décroissance et de l’engagement pour un monde supportable. Ces questionnements ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives pour faire projet autrement en lui donnant un nouveau sens social et collaboratif par l’expérimentation créative de la culture pédagogique architecturale. Nous proposons à nos étudiants de concevoir des protocoles de conception collaborative qui s'apparentent à des représentations malléables et perméables à l'expression des imaginaires de l'ensemble des parties prenantes ou des outils d'aide à la conception jouables qui s'appuient sur les formats et les règles de l'interactivité ludique, pour inventer de nouvelles dynamiques de co-idéation et de socialisation entre les différentes parties prenantes. Les protocoles de conception potentiels laissent la place à l'intuition, à l'aléatoire, à l'erreur, au dysfonctionnement, à la rétroaction et à l'itération. Ils prennent des formes variées, à mi-chemin entre des dessins collaboratifs et spéculatifs agrémentés de maquettes ou de figurines à la manière de jeux de table tangibles, des logiciels computationnels d'auto-conception à destination des non-sachants, des jeux vidéo générateurs de dessins d'architecture en plan ou axonométrie. Social Machine se déploie maintenant dans la recherche, au sein du Léav (Laboratoire de recherche de l’école nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles) avec la vocation d’associer, à côté des sciences de l’architecture, celles de l’éducation. Dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec la Petite école d’architecture de Versailles (fondée par l’ensav en 2021), la Maréchalerie Centre d’Art Contemporain, et le Ministère de la Culture, les prototypes d’outils ludiques d’aides à la conception participative sont testés dans différents lieux accueillant du public, et dans des établissements scolaires. Cette pratique de l’expérimentation in situ apporte des matériaux théoriques considérables pour comprendre le processus relationnel des parties prenantes qui intègrent le processus de projet, et le rôle de l’architecte, en capacité de créer de l'empathie et du dialogue, à construire une culture commune et à faire émerger la créativité et la confrontation des idées entre de différents acteurs. | |||
2023/11/09 | 4 doctorants reçoivent une bourse de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture (CRC-ACME) |
Les quatre doctorants en architecture suivants reçoivent chacun une bourse de 12 000$ pour 2023-2024 de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence dont Jean-Pierre Chupin est titulaire.
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Les 4 vidéos de la 2e convention en ligne du partenariat CRSH sur la qualité sont en libre accès |
Les enregistrements des 4 sessions de la deuxième convention en ligne du partenariat CRSH sur la qualité sont désormais en libre accès.
Rappelons que la recherche partenariale s’intitule Qualité dans l’environnement bâti au Canada : Feuilles de route vers l’équité, la valeur sociale et la durabilité et que ce projet rassemble 14 universités, 70 chercheurs et près de 70 institutions, villes et groupes citoyens jusqu’en 2027.
Cette deuxième rencontre s’est déroulée en ligne et en 4 temps correspondant à 4 thématiques pour des discussions ouvertes, libres, créatives et critiques :
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Deux chercheurs postdoctoraux intègrent l’équipe de coordination du partenariat sur la qualité | Après consultation publique et affichage du poste, deux chercheurs postdoctoraux ont été recrutés pour assister l’équipe de coordination du partenariat CRSH sur la qualité dans l’environnement bâti (QEB).
Maria Patricia Farfan Sopo, nouvelle docteure de l’Université McGill est financée par le budget CRSH du partenariat, tandis que Morteza Hazbei, nouveau docteur de l’Université Concordia est financé par le budget complémentaire octroyé par l’Université de Montréal à la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence.
Les résumés biographiques ci-dessous vous permettront d’apprécier leurs parcours personnels et universitaires remarquables. Bienvenu à Maria Patricia et Morteza!
Dr. Maria Patricia Farfan Sopo Dr. Morteza Hazbei | ||||
Conférence publique présentée par Pierre Chabard : Bâtir, éditer, penser. Sur la trajectoire de quelques architectes-éditeurs |
Conférence de Pierre Chabard, Professeur et directeur des Éditions de la Villette.
Date : Mardi le 16 janvier 2024, 17h30
Lieu : Amphithéâtre 1120 de la Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal
Bâtir, éditer, penserSur la trajectoire de quelques architectes-éditeursRésumé: Si l’histoire de ceux qui écrivent les livres d’architecture est aujourd’hui bien documentée, elle tend souvent à occulter l’histoire de ceux qui les éditent. En enquêtant sur la trajectoire de quelques figures d’architectes et éditeurs francophones, Pierre Chabard examinera le rôle de cette pratique de l’édition dans la production de la culture architecturale et interrogera l’homologie entre l’acte d’éditer un livre et celui de concevoir un bâtiment. Pierre Chabard est architecte, historien et critique. Docteur en architecture, il est maître de conférences à l’Ensa Paris-la Villette. Contributeur de plusieurs revues d’art et d’architecture et auteur de plusieurs livres, il fut membre de la revue Le Visiteur (2001-2003), avant de cofonder Criticat (2007-2018). Depuis 2019, il dirige les Éditions de la Villette. | ||||
2023/05/15 | Cartographie de l’impact de la montée des océans sur les bâtiments de grande hauteur dans le monde |
Mandana Bafghinia et Jean-Pierre Chupin assistés de l’étudiant à la maîtrise en urbanisme Conor DeSantis publient un rapport financé par le Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats
Pour découvrir les cartographies :
Pour consulter le rapport :
Bafghinia, M., Chupin, J.-P., Skyscrapers as a Complex Response to Rising Waters: Resilience and Adaptability. Report summarizing the result of the 2019 CTBUH Student Research Project published on the platform of the Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (2023) https://global.ctbuh.org/resources/papers/4600-Bafghinia_SkyscrapersAsAComplexResponse.pdf
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Deux doctorantes soutiennent leur thèse de doctorat individualisé en architecture (Mandana Bafghinia et Lucie Palombi) |
Mandana Bafghinia, doctorante en cotutelle entre l’Université de Montréal et l’Université Lyon 2, sous la codirection de Jean-Pierre Chupin et de Manuel Appert a soutenu sa thèse :
The Skyscraper’s Summit, as a Beacon and a Viewing Platform: New York, Paris, Montreal, Shanghai
Le 14 décembre 2023
Directeurs de thèse :
Lucie Palombi, doctorante sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chupin a soutenu sa thèse : De la textualité du projet professionnel en situation de concours en architecture: herméneutique et comparaison de textes liés à des projets lauréats de concours d’architecture au Québec entre 2010 et 2020 Le 15 janvier 2024 Directeur de thèse :
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Comment recueillir la diversité des expériences vécues de la qualité? | La Ville de Montréal sélectionne la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture pour une recherche sur l’expérience vécue de la qualité par les usagers des édifices publics. Jean-Pierre Chupin, Bechara Helal et Carmela Cucuzzella développeront un protocole de collecte des expériences vécues avec les doctorantes et doctorants : Firdous Nizar, Paloma Castonguay-Rufino, Yolene Handabaka, Shantanu Biswas Linkon, Cyrille Tchango Ngamaleu du programme de PhD individualisé en architecture. La proposition de l’équipe de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence (CRC-ACME) a été sélectionnée dans le volet 1 de l’appel « Développer ensemble une plus forte culture du design – édition 2 » (Appel de proposition 2023-2024). Projet : Protocole d’enquête et d’évaluation qualitative de la valeur sociale des édifices publics par le recueil d’expériences vécues par les usagers Description : Protocole d’évaluation post-occupationnel de la qualité fournissant des méthodes de collecte et d’analyse de témoignages sur l’expérience vécue dans les lieux et les édifices municipaux, et création d’un recueil de récits et de fiches d’expériences vécues remarquables. L’objectif étant de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui influencent la qualité de l’expérience vécue dans les lieux et les édifices municipaux. Le projet permettra d’enrichir les stratégies et les actions visant à pérenniser la qualité qui sont présentées dans la Trousse qualité Design Montréal (section Opération qualité). Il contribuera aussi à l’atteinte des résultats du plan stratégique Montréal 2030, notamment en ce qui a trait à la priorité suivante : Priorité 19 – Offrir à l’ensemble des Montréalaises et Montréalais des milieux de vie sécuritaires et de qualité, et une réponse de proximité à leurs besoins Plus d’information sur la CRC-ACME : https://crc.umontreal.ca Plus d’information sur le programme de Design Montréal : https://designmontreal.com/appels/developper-ensemble-une-plus-forte-culture-du-design-edition-2?section=3948 | ||||
Jean-Pierre Chupin talks to Radio Canada about the Chandigarh principles and the derivatives of the Corbusé utopia | Jean-Pierre Chupin is invited to Radio Canada's Tout Terrain (Janic Tremblay) to reflect on the current state of affairs and the derivatives of Le Corbusier's concepts of architecture and the city in Chandigarh, India. On the occasion of the Festival international du film sur l'art (FIFA) in Montreal, the film The Power of Utopia - Living with Le Corbusier in Chandigarh will be shown. When architect Le Corbusier designed the city of Chandigarh, India, he imagined a city that would enable harmonious interaction between its inhabitants and the environment. For some, this represented progress and success, while for others it was a failure. Janic Tremblay discusses the case of Chandigarh and, more broadly, Le Corbusier's approach to architecture and urban planning with Jean-Pierre Chupin, Professor at the School of Architecture of the Université de Montréal and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and the Mediations of Excellence. To listen to the episode on Sunday, March 10, 2024: | ||||
2024/04/25 | TerraFibra Architectures | Conduite par le Pavillon de l’Arsenal, amàco et les Grands Ateliers, l’exposition présente 40 édifices finalistes du TERRAFIBRA Award, premier prix mondial des architectures contemporaines en terre crue et fibres végétales. Face au défi climatique et à la nécessaire adaptation des systèmes constructifs, l’utilisation des matériaux biosourcés et géosourcés offre des solutions techniques vertueuses. Allier terre et fibres végétales valorise la mixité des matériaux et réaffirme l’importance de l’intelligence constructive, qui vise à utiliser la juste quantité du bon matériau au bon endroit. Sous le commissariat de Dominique Gauzin-Müller, architecte chercheuse, et d’Anne Lambert, ingénieure et designer. Exposition présentée par le Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle et l’École d’architecture de l’Université de Montréal. Galerie de l’Université de Montréal | |||
2024/06/04 | Table ronde tenue par le LEAP : Quelle architecture scolaire en centre-ville ? | Date : Mardi le 4 juin 2024, 18h00
Lieu : Salle 3110 de la Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal
« De quartiers d’affaires presqu’exclusivement réservés aux activités commerciales et professionnelles, les centres-villes canadiens se transforment de plus en plus en lieux de vie. On y trouve cependant peu d’écoles primaires, pourtant essentielles à un développement urbain inclusif. Et pour cause : le modèle traditionnel de l’édifice scolaire à fonction unique, de faible hauteur et équipé d’une vaste cour de récréation au niveau du sol, s’inscrit en contradiction avec un environnement à forte densité et à valeur élevée. Le cœur des métropoles attire les promoteurs, d’autant plus que les règlements d’urbanisme leur permettent de réaliser des édifices de grande hauteur, source d’importants revenus. Dans ces conditions, quelle architecture scolaire pouvons-nous imaginer pour nos centres-villes ? Et que pourrait-elle offrir aux écoliers ? »
- A. Cormier, A. Paré et G. Adamczyk, En centre-ville : une architecture à hauteur d’enfant, Potential Architecture Books, Montréal, 2024
Reconnaissant l’importance des enjeux de la réalisation d’écoles en centre-ville, le Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle (LEAP) tiendra une table ronde sur ce thème le 4 juin à l’occasion du lancement de l’ouvrage En centre-ville : une architecture à hauteur d’enfant.
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2024/05/21 | Journée d’étude : Aménager la proximité |
Date : Le 21 mai 2024, 9h00 à 17h00
Lieu : École de design de l’UQAM, 1440, rue Sanguinet, Montréal
Aménager la proximité est une activité organisée dans le cadre du projet L’Architecture municipale comme interface citoyenne mené par le Bureau d’étude de pratiques indisciplinées (BēPI), à l’École de design de l’UQAM. Le projet est financé par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (subvention Développement savoir) et soutenu par l’Union des municipalités du Québec. L’activité a également reçu l’appui du réseau Villes Régions Monde (VRM), du Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle (LEAP) et de l’École de design de l’UQAM.
Description complète de la journée en PDF
Chercheur principal
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2025/01/13 | Public conference presented by Mario Carpo: AI Tectonics, or the Culture Wars of Building Technology | Presented by Professor Mario Carpo, Bartlett University, London Date: Monday, January 13th, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. Location: Amphitheatre 1120, Faculté de l’aménagement, Université de Montréal Public conference organised by the Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle | |||
2024/09/18 | New book publication: —in Drawing. Inquiry, Time, Dialogue and Materiality | —in Drawing. Inquiry, Time, Dialogue and Materiality
Edited by Thomas-Bernard Kenniff and Carole Lévesque
Montréal : Bureau d’étude de pratiques indisciplinées, 2024
Drawing is a form of research, a means to investigate, explore and gain a better understanding of an idea, a condition or a phenomenon. Drawing is a practice of representation, one that inquires, explores materiality, and establishes its own time and dialogue. This book brings together 23 authors who represent 18 critical and reflexive practices of drawing in design. The assembled texts engage drawing aesthetics (spatial, temporal, and material) and drawing ethics (investigating and making sense together) as well as four overarching themes: inquiry, time, dialogue and materiality —in drawing. Taken as a collective conversation on drawing practice, this book offers a shared reflection on the agency of drawing, on its potential to explore issues raised by our built and cultural environment, and on the ability of drawing to support and contribute to design research. It farmes drawing as a research practice, one that is both deeply rooted in its disciplinary context and openly challenging its limits and conventions. —in Drawing adds to a continuing conversation on design research methods and the ethics and aesthetics of representation. It seeks to further establish the significance of drawing as a legitimate mode of inquiry across design disciplines and beyond.
With contributions from:
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Video of the public debate on school architecture in the city center! | “From business districts almost exclusively reserved for commercial and professional activities, Canadian downtowns are increasingly becoming living spaces. Yet there are few elementary schools, which are essential to inclusive urban development. And for good reason: the traditional model of the single-purpose, low-rise school building, with a large playground at ground level, is at odds with a high-density, high-value environment. The heart of metropolises attracts developers, all the more so as urban planning regulations allow them to erect high-rise buildings, a source of significant revenue. So what kind of school architecture can we imagine for our city centers? And what might it offer schoolchildren?”
- A. Cormier, A. Paré and G. Adamczyk, En centre-ville : une architecture à hauteur d'enfant, Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2024
The Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle (LEAP) recognizes the importance of the stakes involved in building schools downtown, and held a round table on this theme to mark the launch of the book En centre-ville : une architecture à hauteur d'enfant.
Jean-Pierre Chupin, Architect and Professor at the School of Architecture, Université de Montréal, Chair Holder of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence and Director of the LEAP
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2025/03/11 | Public conference presented by Jean-Louis Violeau: Architecture and its (Single) Users as Seen by Sociologist and Philosopher Jean Baudrillard | Conference by Jean-Louis Violeau, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes
Date: Tuesday, March 11th at 5:30 pm.
Location: Amphitheatre 1120, Faculté de l’aménagement, Université de Montréal
Lecture series of the Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle
Architecture and its (Single) Users as Seen by Sociologist and Philosopher Jean BaudrillardSummary: How does one go about exploring Jean Baudrillard's intimate yet suspicious relationship with architecture? One begins, as one should, with Disney, moves on to the duck and the Venturis, stops at the figure of the (architectural) monster, moves on to Jean Nouvel and the ambiguities of transparency, and finally arrives at some contemporary projects, notably the highly condemned Europacity. Along the way, Baudrillard raises two questions: what has become of architectural postmodernism, and the persistence of the notion of the author in architecture. Baudrillard was more of an imaginary sociologist, intuitive and detached, an interpreter who amused himself by drawing the dotted lines of the present, overdoing it and regularly tending to paroxysms. Hence his interest in architectures that resist interpretation and seem to take on a life of their own, as if detached from their designers: the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the Biosphère II project, the Beaubourg, the Guggenheim Bilbao, and some of Jean Nouvel's architecture. Behind the scenes: obscure and ironic, every stage has its backstage, every scene is reversible, every project calls for its counter-project. The cursed part always bides its time. Culture for Beaubourg, globalization for the WTC, the planet for Biosphère II, the commodification of cities for the Guggenheim Bilbao... The ambivalence grows as these projects strive to saturate reality. What all these untamed concretions have in common, however, is that they seek first and foremost to bring the edge of difference to bear on generalized equivalence. In an age of no-fake and a shared quest for authenticity, this sociological perspective is meeting with renewed interest, particularly in the ambivalent choices and behaviors of digital children. The sociologist Jean-Louis Violeau is a professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes and at the Urban School of Sciences Po Paris. He is a researcher at CRENAU (CNRS UMR AAU). He is a regular contributor to architectural magazines, in particular AMC-Le Moniteur architecture and L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, as well as more general magazines such as Esprit, Place Publique Nantes-Saint-Nazaire and Urbanisme. He is also a member of the editorial board of the latter two magazines. His dissertation Les architectes et mai 68 was published in 2005 by Recherches, the distant heirs of the journal of the same name founded under the aegis of Félix Guattari and the CERFI. The sequel, his HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) on Les architectes et mai 81, was published by Recherches in 2011. | |||
2025/03/10 | Jean-Pierre Chupin Named Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Class of 2025 | Professor Chupin was nominated by Thierry Montpetit, FRAIC, and letters of support were submitted by five renowned Quebec architects: Anik Shooner, FIRAC, Nathalie Dion, FIRAC, Gilles Prud'homme, FIRAC, Maxime Frappier, FIRAC, and Renée Daoust, FIRAC, in the category of : Outstanding scholarly contributions supported by research, publications or teaching in the field of architecture, and, Outstanding contributions to the profession fostering excellence in architectural practice through leadership in public service or industry organizations. Fellows will be formally inducted into the RAIC College on Tuesday, June 3, 2025 at an induction ceremony held in conjunction with the RAIC Conference on Architecture in Montreal, Quebec. Visit the RAIC website to see the 43 new Fellows 2025. | |||
2025/03/19 | Public conference presented by Léa-Catherine Szacka: Crossed Histories, Phyllis Lambert, Ada Louise Huxtable and Gae Aulenti on architecture and the city | Conference by Léa-Catherine Szacka , University of Manchester
Date: Tuesday, April 1st at 5:30 pm.
Location: Amphitheatre 1120, Faculté de l’aménagement, Université de Montréal
Lecture series of the Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle
Crossed HistoriesPhyllis Lambert, Ada Louise Huxtable and Gae Aulenti on architecture and the city Summary: Born in the 1920s, architects Gae Aulenti and Phyllis Lambert and critic Ada Louise Huxtable were among the most influential figures in post-war architecture and design. Pioneers in a largely male-dominated field at the time, and key players in the transition from modernism to postmodernism, they set out to conquer and shape public space. This talk retraces the history and careers of these three women, who are the focus of the exhibition Crossed Histories, presented until May 2025 at the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris. Léa-Catherine Szacka: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Architectural Studies, University of Manchester Director of the Manchester Architecture Research Group (MARG) Vice-President, European Architectural History Network (EAHN) Co-Founder, PASZA - Platform for Architectural Research | |||
2025/03/25 | Final Program for the 2025 Toronto Convention Now Available! |
Toronto 2025 Convention Program : Toward a White Paper on Quality...The final program for the 2025 Annual Convention is now available. From April 30 to May 2 in Toronto, the event will bring together experts, researchers, and practitioners to advance a national strategy for quality in Canada’s built environment. We are happy to share with you this program and hope you are as excited as we are for those great speakers, roundtables discussions and site visits that will take place during the convention. Jean-Pierre Chupin, PhD, Professor, Architect MOAQ, MIRAC. Holder of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence at Université de Montréal and Principal Investigator of the SSHRC Research Partnership on Quality in Canada’s Built Environment. |