The Edge of Her Garden: Sveva Caetani and the Frontier of Potential

Chapitre Hammond, Cynthia, (2018), Potential Architecture Books, 978-1-988962-01-6, Cahiers de recherche du LEAP Research Notebooks, Du potentiel de l’hétéronomie et de l’autonomie en architecture /On the Potential of Heteronomy and Autonomy in Architecture

Promenades Parlantes: Didacticism on the Move

Chapitre Hammond, Cynthia, (2019), Potential Architecture Books, Montréal, Cahiers de recherche du LEAP Research Notebooks, Du didactisme en architecture / On Didacticism in Architecture

Hospital and [Un]planned Obsolescence

Chapitre Theodore, David, (2017), Potential Architecture Books, 978-0-9921317-9-1, Cahiers de recherche du LEAP Research Notebooks, Du potentiel des grandes structures urbaines abandonnées / On the Potential of Abandonned Large Urban Structures