A mosaic gathering all the LEAP assistants
Many assistants contribute to the smooth running of the Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentielle. The team brings together students from four different universities in Montreal. These are; Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, McGill University and Concordia University.
Final Program for the 2025 Toronto Convention Now Available!
Toronto 2025 Convention Program : Toward a White Paper on Quality... The final program for the 2025 Annual Convention is now available. From April 30 to (...) more
Jean-Pierre Chupin Named Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Class of 2025
Professor Chupin was nominated by Thierry Montpetit, FRAIC, and letters of support were submitted by five renowned Quebec architects: Anik (...) more
New book publication: —in Drawing. Inquiry, Time, Dialogue and Materiality
—in Drawing. Inquiry, Time, Dialogue and Materiality Edited by Thomas-Bernard Kenniff and Carole Lévesque Montréal : Bureau d’étude de pratiques indisciplinées, 2024 Drawing is a form of research, a (...) more
Video of the public debate on school architecture in the city center!
“From business districts almost exclusively reserved for commercial and professional activities, Canadian downtowns are increasingly becoming living spaces. Yet there are few elementary schools, which are essential to inclusive urban (...) more
TerraFibra Architectures
Conduite par le Pavillon de l’Arsenal, amàco et les Grands Ateliers, l’exposition présente 40 édifices finalistes du TERRAFIBRA Award, premier prix mondial des architectures contemporaines en terre crue et fibres (...) more
Comment recueillir la diversité des expériences vécues de la qualité?
La Ville de Montréal sélectionne la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture pour une recherche sur l’expérience vécue de la qualité par les usagers des édifices publics. Jean-Pierre Chupin, Bechara Helal et Carmela Cucuzzella développeront un protocole de collecte des expériences vécues avec les doctorantes et doctorants : Firdous Nizar, (...) more
Virginie LaSalle and Jean-Pierre Chupin present neuroarchitecture in La Presse
On the occasion of accessibility week at the Senate, La Presse echoes the research coordinated by researchers from the Université de Montréal who are members of LEAP and the SSHRC (...) more
The CRC-ACME coordinates a major research partnership funded by the SSHRC
Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada until 2027, a major research partnership on quality in the built environment brings together - for the first time - 14 universities, 70 researchers and 68 public and private organizations at the municipal, provincial and national (...) more
Deux chercheurs postdoctoraux intègrent l’équipe de coordination du partenariat sur la qualité
Après consultation publique et affichage du poste, deux chercheurs postdoctoraux ont été recrutés pour assister l’équipe de coordination du partenariat CRSH sur la qualité dans l’environnement bâti (QEB). (...) more
The FRQSC renews LEAP's team subvention until 2027
The project, entitled Potentials of Architectural Quality: Equity, Sustainability and Cultural Openness, will have Jean-Pierre Chupin (Ph. D.) as team coordinator. The amount of the subvention granted to the LEAP by the FRQSC (support to research teams/university renewal) for this project is $423,420 and will be spread over a 4-year period, thus until 2027! For 2022-2027, the (...) more
The Rise of Awards in Architecture, a new book edited by Chupin, Cucuzzella and Adamczyk
This book is the first scientific study to focus on awards in architecture and the built environment investigating their exponential growth since the 1980s. The celebration of excellence in architecture and related fields remains a phenomenon on which there is strangely little scientific scrutiny. It is now necessary to take a critical distance to question what (...) more
Video of the roundtable: What is an architecture award worth?
This debate was organized at the BAnQ's National Archives in Montreal (535 Viger Avenue East) on November 24, 2022. Once a symbol of excellence and exception, architecture and design awards, which aim to reward achievements, have multiplied exponentially in recent years. We no longer (...) more
A new article in the journal "Sustainability" about architectural education strategies (AES) in sustainable buildings for learning environments in Canada
Jean-Pierre Chupin, Morteza Hazbei and Karl-Antoine Pelchat wrote an article in the journal Sustainability (2021, 3, 8166) about architectural education strategies (AES) in sustainable buildings. Their research led them to conclude that there are three strategies for architectural education in buildings designed to disseminate knowledge (...) more
How to make the waiting for the bus more attractive and generate more community interest? New open access book
The international student competition inviting creative ways to renew the appeal of public transport during a global health crisis is now the subject of a book. It is available for free access today. Reimagining Waiting for the Bus is an open access book edited by (...) more
Discover the CANADIAN COMPETITIONS CATALOGUES, The digital library for architecture, urbanism, design and landscape architecture projects designed in the context of competition in Canada (...) more